Where did the last 3600 Transactions Go?

neon45 Member ✭✭

I imported 3686 transactions from TD Ameritrade in MINT going back to 2013. The transactions all came over from MINT. I discovered this while reinventing the wheel changing Uncategorized entries into valid categories.

We won't mention all the unrecognized categories though.

Today there are only transactions going back to August. This has suddenly happened to 8 accounts. So it appears that QS deleted all the prior entries and is only showing entries directly from the broker over the last 3 months.


Best Answers

  • neon45
    neon45 Member ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Coach… There were no Duplicate Accounts.

    Somehow, I have all the transactions from as late as 2013 back. Multiple re-importing… and waiting for QS server to digest the changes in 4 of 8 accounts..

    The instructions for importing an account were not of any value in my case. ( https://help.simplifimoney.com/en/articles/8545901-how-to-import-transactions-from-mint ) There never was an "Import Account". The only way I found the Upload cloud was by going to "Net Worth".

    p.s. Chat help seems to be hit / miss with someone who's experienced.

  • neon45
    neon45 Member ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I found them. Not a single duplicate. Not at all sure how they materialized. I just kept re-importing and waiting for a while to see if QS's slow server might have anything to do with it.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    Answer ✓

    @neon45, thanks for reaching back out!

    As announced here a couple of weeks ago, transactional data is now limited to January 2020. If you want to access older data, you may do so by hovering over and then selecting the gear icon at the top of your account registers:

    I hope this helps!

    -Coach Natalie


  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @neon45, thanks for reaching out!

    Did you perhaps connect the account in question to the bank after importing your transactions from Mint? If so, it's possible that you created a duplicate account instead of linking the connected account to your existing Quicken Simplifi account.


    Please let us know what you find!

    -Coach Natalie

  • neon45
    neon45 Member ✭✭
    edited December 2023

    2nd attempt at posting an answer… hate message boards. Another similar post may appear.

    Re-Reaching out here… December 4th message is back to current. Dec 6th is voided.

    In the last week to 2 weeks? all my accounts have reverted back to nothing earlier than Jan, 2020.

    And, silly me, thought things were going along so well 😏

    So… what do I do? Delete all the accounts I have worked on to function for me? Try and individually overwrite them, which has failed a number of times? The mythical 300 line limit is not a problem as uploads fail with only 280 lines.

    We're 4th quarter, 4th down with 2 minutes to go coach… what's our play ???

  • neon45
    neon45 Member ✭✭

    Hair pulling time…

    I just re-re-re-imported one account with 1249 transaction. Simplified said; Great, you are in, we love your process and download file. Simplifi lied.

    512 line were re-accepted which equates with January 2020.

    What's going on kids??? What switch was flipped? What switch don't we know about or is obscure? Wasting too much time of what's left of my life on this nonsense. Sorry, frustration raises it's unruly head. 🤯

  • neon45
    neon45 Member ✭✭

    Ok.. We're Reaching out again… What was fixed has become unfixed… Sometime in the last week or two, over 8 accounts now have data only going back to Jan 2020 !! Something happened back in the back office. This is scary stuff.

    Times getting short here, with Mint, for better or worserer, shutting down. So here my shotgun blast of questions, in some kind of order. From the very silly basics and on.

    Point 1. Please confirm we can rename the downloaded Mint CSV file to anything we want.

    Point 2. When saving the file in Win11 the format should be <your transactions.csv>.. Does it matter if we include the .CSV ? “Save as Type:” >> Text Document (*.txt)

    Does it matter what the Encoding: is ??? <<< I am being presented with UTF-8.

    Point 3. Do I have to download my transactions again? Which has failed a number of time because of Point 1 or 2 ??

    Point 4. I read, and chat said something about only uploading 300 lines. I tried doing 290 lines and it didn’t work either. I have a brokerage account with 1950 lines. Apparently they were all uploaded at some point.

    Point 5. Am I going to have to delete these accounts and start over?

    not looking good for the home team here in the 4th quarter with 3 minutes on the clock :(

    So where did the transactions go???

  • neon45
    neon45 Member ✭✭

    Thanks goodness… Trying to keep track of a grocery list is enough of a challenge, but try and find it in a forum (with embedded gadgets and small print) presents a whole new set of challenges…. 🙄

    Thanks for pointing that unseen gear. A small note, lost in a sea of small notes…

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