I'm new, I cannot get USAA to let me connect to Simplifi to get checking info downloaded, any help?
I'm new, I cannot get USAA to let me connect to Simplifi to get checking info downloaded, any help?
@Jim4955, thanks for reaching out!
The Community would be happy to assist you with connecting your USAA accounts in Quicken Simplifi, however, we need a bit more insight first.
- Is this your first time connecting to USAA in Quicken Simplifi?
- What option are you selecting from the bank list in Quicken Simplifi to add the account?
- Do you receive an error message?
- Are you taken through the OAuth API flow to authorize your accounts in Quicken Simplifi?
- Are you using the Quicken Simplifi Web App or the Mobile App?
- If you're using Space Sharing, are you adding the account from the primary file/login?
Please let us know so we can best assist!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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