Morgan Stanley Wealth Management is not available even though it's available in Quicken Classic
I've used Quicken for 40+ years. I was looking forward to moving to Simplifi.
I was disappointed to find that Morgan Stanley Wealth Management is not available even though it's available in Quicken Classic.
I contacted Simplifi support who spoke with product management who said that Morgan Stanley had not responded to Quicken's request to provide an integration between Quicken/Simplifi and Morgan Stanley Wealth Management even though Quick Classic has this capability.
@jsturtevant, thanks for the feedback!
Although I'm not sure why Morgan Stanley Wealth Management is supported in Quicken Classic and not Quicken Simplifi, I would guess that it has to do with Direct Connect, as Quicken Simplifi does not offer Direct Connect.
With that, however, we do have an existing request for Morgan Stanley Wealth Management here in the Quicken Simplifi Community that I'd definitely suggest adding your feedback to and following for updates:
I hope this helps!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Search for Citi Smith Barney IRA which was acquired by Morgan Stanley over 8 years ago. My MS accounts are showing up now and update as expected. Unbelievable that is merely a label configuration issue, not a connection issue.