Add Fidelity Cash Management Account (CMA) as Checking

Dognose Member ✭✭

I use a Fidelity CMA in lieu of a true checking account.

Unfortunately, Simplifi treats this account as a brokerage account hiding bills payed from the account and removing them from spending by default.

I'd like to (1) have outgoing transactions on this account be displayed by default, and reported in spending; and (2) track the balance under "Checking" rather than "Brokerage".

Anyone found a way to do this?



  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @Dognose, thanks for reaching out!

    You should be able to change the account type from Investments to Checking by following these steps (outlined here):

    1. Hover over the panel on the left-hand side and select Settings.
    2. Select Accounts.
    3. Locate the Account you'd like to edit and click the three dots at the end of it.
    4. Select Edit account.
    5. Select the desired Type.
    6. Click Update when done.

    Let us know how this works for you!

    -Coach Natalie

  • Dognose
    Dognose Member ✭✭

    That worked. Thank you Natalie!

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