vw auto credit

bankofdad Member
asking you to add vw credit so i can automatically track my auto loan. https://www.vw.com/financial
8 votes

In Review · Last Updated

We are working to establish this connection in Simplifi, however, we cannot guarantee that we'll be able to support a requested bank.


  • Coach Tappan
    Coach Tappan Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭

    @bankofdad Thanks for the request. I'm taking the liberty of moving your post over to a discussion area set aside for requests like these, that gives other users a chance to "vote" on your comment. The link you provided gave me an error message, but I was able to get through with a slight variation: https://www.vw.com/financial-services/

  • Sam
    Sam Member
    Has this not been added yet?!
  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    Hello @Sam,

    I apologize for the delay! Again, it looks like there is no ETA to provide on this one, however, VW Auto Credit is currently on our list of requested connections.

    I hope this helps! :smile:

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie