WSFS is not labeled correctly
Wilmington Savings Fund Society (WSFS) is not labeled correctly for the personal accounts. If you search for Wimington without the L you will find it and it will connect correctly. I almost gave up and started to use another program. I don't know why it is this way or how to correct it! There must be a way to search it and have it direct you to the correct one. I am sure that others have left or are using another product because of this
@peterb2003, thanks for letting us know!
I went ahead and moved this out of Missing Financial Institution Requests since the bank is already supported in Quicken Simplifi. Although we do apologize for your experience with this, we unfortunately can't do anything from our end to change the way banks are listed in Quicken Simplifi. Instead, your bank will have to make this request to our service provider directly.
When you contact your bank, you can share this link with them:
Let us know how it goes!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie