Paypal Mastercard Transactions Missing from 01/2023-08/2023
I just joined the community, and I was reviewing 2023 expenditures. I noticed that I'm missing all transactions before 08/2023 for my Paypal Mastercard. I'm okay if Quicken doesn't go all the way back to 2022, but I'd like to have the full 2023 year to review. I've tried refreshing the connection and had the same results.
My other cards don't seem to have this issue as they go back to 2022.
Thank you!
Image below shows the available information for my Paypal Mastercard. I've had this card since 2022.
Best Answer
@ChompalotArt, thanks for posting!
To clarify, are you new to Quicken Simplifi and/or did you just recently add this account in Quicken Simplifi? If so, banks typically only provide 90 days' worth of data, so this is most likely what you're seeing. Have you taken a look to see if you can import the rest of 2023 using a CSV file, perhaps?
Please let us know so we can best assist!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie