Mismatching my deposits!

Lately Simplifi has been matching/attributing recurring deposits very badly. For example, Social Security deposit is way different from my wife's paycheck, by $1,000 or more. Simplifi seems to think it's the same thing, and thinks the paycheck has been deposited, when it hasn't, and then it falls off the radar as far as the cash flow. Same thing with other deposits - rebate checks, gifts, etc.
This wasn't happening before. Please fix it! Simplifi has a huge opportunity with the Mint people coming in, please invest in the product now and don't blow it. Don't let it become "Quicken 2.0" and a landmine of bugs and promised badly needed feature that never appear. Getting ready to leave this product as I did Quicken after decades of loyal use.
@Diver4242, thanks for reaching out to the Community!
Since Quicken Simplifi is designed to learn over time, I'd suggest some manual intervention for now. You can unlink the transactions from the incorrect Reminders by following the steps here:
You can then link them to the correct Reminders by following the steps here:
Hopefully you start to see some improvements very soon after doing so. Please let us know how it goes!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie