Pending transactions not automatically linked to recurring reminders

This discussion was created from comments split from:
Transactions that are Reoccurring Bills show up as cleared and pending.
I've seen something similar where I have a recurring bill (to pay my amex card from my checking account). For a day or two after the payment goes through, the pending transaction shows up and is subtracted from my cash flow, but it's not linked to the recurring bill, so the amount is subtracted from my cashflow twice and throws things off terribly. I can link the pending transaction to the reminder via the transaction (but it's a bunch of steps), but I can't do the same from the reminder, it doesn't let me choose a pending transaction.
If the pending transaction could be automatically linked to the recurring bill reminder instead of Simplifi only linking them once it clears, that would help a lot.
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@EL1234, thanks for posting to the Community!
Pending transactions should automatically link to Recurring Reminders the same as cleared transactions do. If a transaction is not listed as available to link to when attempting to do so from the Reminder directly, you'd want to go ahead and do so from the transaction directly:
With that, since Quicken Simplifi is designed to learn over time, I'd suggest some manual intervention for now to see if you can get things moving in a better and more automated direction. Please let us know how it goes!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Hi! That's what I did for now (linked it via the transaction). What's interesting is that they have been linking automatically to the cleared transactions for quite some time, just not to the pending ones. I'll see what it does this month.