How to mass delete old transactions

pixie813 Member


What would be the best way to mass delete old transactions? I don't want to see transactions from the year 2022 (as in, I don't even want them visible in Simplifi at all). Anything from that year is currently irrelevant to me, and it is inconvenient and confusing to see transactions that old when I use the search/filter tool.

It is way too tedious to check each of thousands of transactions one by one.




Best Answer

  • RockLee
    RockLee Member ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    On the Transactions page you can specify "<12/31/2022" in the search box to show all transactions on and before this day. If it were me I would then click the "export to .csv" button to save all the transactions to a csv file for safe keeping, you could always import them back. Then check the check box next to "Account" column label which should select all transactions. click the "edit transactions" button, then in the popup click the big red "delete" which should also show the total number of transactions being deleted.

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