Ability to see a history of account balances and manually change them like transactions (edited)

Oleksander Member ✭✭
edited February 19 in Feature Requests

I'd like to be able to see and edit a list of an account's past balances, formatted like transactions are, that reflects exactly what we see in the reports. The data is already being used to generate the reports, just show it to us and let us edit it directly.

We can already edit past balances through "import", but this is very clunky for small changes. It's also still temperamental for some account types (loans, investments, etc.). We can only see balances month-to-month, so if you're trying to correct an error you have to guess at the date and hope the import overwrites the old balance. I also don't want to make a new csv file with one entry for a seventh time to fix my net worth when something randomly changes again.

Automatic balance updates can remain the same, but show us these updates. Otherwise, I have no idea where these reports are coming from.

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