Add a Change Log for manually adding, deleting, or editing transactions (edited)

Robinthemike Member
edited February 23 in Feature Requests

It would be very helpful to have a change log available when manually adding, deleting, or editing transactions.

I recently began recategorizing a manually added credit card account (Apple Card). Specifically, changing the "credit card payment" category to match the name of the account which the payment was made from, for example, changing "Credit Card Payment" to "XXXX Checking". The reason for recategorizing these transactions was due to Simplifi automatically categorizing credit card payment transactions for other credit card accounts when synced to their financial institution; see the below example. I wanted every account to match this, so I started re-categorizing. During the process, I noticed the Apple Card account didn't have several transactions that matched the Checking account. So I manually created the transactions in the Apple Card account. After I completed it, I noticed my balance listed a large positive amount. Leaving me to reconcile/audit to find my error. This is where a change log would be very helpful for quickly identifying transactions that were changed and correcting them.

Account Date Payee Category Amount

Checking Feb 12 Discover Payment Discover 100.00

Discover Feb 12 Discover Payment Received Checking +100.00

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