Customizable Columns in Reports/Include 'Notes' Column (edited)

TheNigerianPrince Member ✭✭✭✭
edited October 4 in Feature Requests

I like to look at spending reports by category to see where my money is going every month. When you select a category, the transactions are listed at the bottom of the page. However, the "Notes" field is not present, but the Tags one is. So I just get a list of payees and transaction amounts with no idea as to what exactly those transactions were. This is especially bad for transactions with merchants like Amazon (where it could be anything).

I see this a lot where the Tags feature is being selected over the Notes feature in different parts of the UI, and to be honest, it grates a little. Transaction splits can get separate tags but not separate notes. Now this. For some of us, we prefer notes over tags and would prefer that notes be a first-class citizen. Tags are not useful to me because I already have categories. Please can the experience be patched so Notes don't feel like an afterthought?

107 votes

Completed · Last Updated

Column Customizations have been added to Reports!



  • EL1234
    EL1234 Member ✭✭✭✭
    I like this idea! Maybe we should be able to edit the columns displayed on this page, just like on the transactions page. That way Notes won't get in people's way if they don't need/use it, but for those of us who do, we can choose to display it.
  • CEBrown
    CEBrown Unconfirmed, Member

    Me too! I love the idea of being able to edit what columns we can see

  • RichD
    RichD Member ✭✭
    Need Notes on all transaction lines including splits
  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    Hello @RichD,

    Thanks for the suggestion!

    I would definitely recommend adding your vote here for the ability to have a 'Notes' field for each split on a transaction:

    I hope this helps! :smiley:

    -Coach Natalie
  • Adding my +1. It would just be nice if the list of transactions when looking at a report matched the UI of the main transactions list.
  • cymirk
    cymirk Member ✭✭
    +1 on this idea, it's tough to consider financial reporting overall when I cannot account for each transaction at first glance.   A non-tag user, but puts notes in for every transaction.
  • Yes much needed!
  • dmkreidler
    dmkreidler Member
    edited August 2022
    As suggested by Coach Natalie in her August 8, 2022 post. We review our spending each month using reports. If any transaction has a notation, we have to go back to the transactions list or click on edit transaction. Would prefer a notes column exactly as is done in the Transactions list.
  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes, I use the 'notes' column -- for example, I have a lot of payees which are like 'Costco' and 'Amazon' but I put *what* I bought in the notes, so that would be more useful to see in the spending report, for example.  I "could" use tags, but i would prefer to use notes.

    Rob Wilkens

  • killweav
    killweav Member ✭✭
    The widget that is available in Transaction Activity view is so helpful because it allows me to remove the tags column and replace it with notes column. For me, notes are more valuable than tags. I don't need to search notes. Please make this ability to adjust columns available in all views where transaction activity is displayed (top spending catagories, etc.) 
  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭
    ** Agree with above, I don't use tags much.  I do use notes to describe what I purchased.  For places where I shop frequently, the payee is the same for a variety of transactions, but the notes column lets me notate the kind of shopping done there (beyond categories, which might not be specific enough).  For example, category might be clothing but in notes i might say type of clothing or what i purchased it for.

    Rob Wilkens

  • TheNigerianPrince
    TheNigerianPrince Member ✭✭✭✭
    Any update on this? It'd be nice to use the same main register UI component for the transaction lists in Spending Plan and Reports.

    I don't use Spending Plan and Reports as much as I'd like because the transaction lists there are almost useless to me if it's just a big list of "Amazon, Amazon, Amazon" with no context on what they're for (I rarely use tags.)
  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    edited October 2022
    Hello All,

    For those who would like to see a "Notes" column added to Reports specifically, I'd suggest visiting our other Idea post here. However, if you'd like the ability to customize columns in Reports in general, please be sure to vote on this Idea post! 

    -Coach Natalie
  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    Hello @TheNigerianPrince,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Due to the feedback we've received on adding a "Notes" column to Reports, both here as well as another Idea post here, I did go ahead and get this submitted to the Product Team for review. 

    Please stay tuned here for future updates!

    -Coach Natalie
  • killweav
    killweav Member ✭✭
    Yes, I vote for column preferences in transaction view for reports as well.
  • I am a new user, but it only took me a few days to get slapped in the face by this.  My notes are full of information detailing exactly what the transaction was for.  A report without the notes is nearly worthless.
  • Xenevo
    Xenevo Member
    Can we get the option to show column settings in reports like we have in transaction activity?
    I would like to see notes in my reports.
  • I'm not sure why the report page doesn't allow us to customize the columns we see. This is a pretty standard function of reports in most other softwares. Please add this basic functionality and let your users decide what columns / data are important to them in their financial reports.

  • Additionally, what is the point of a notes field if it's not something that's accessible when we go to view our transaction report page (especially considering that reporting is the whole purpose behind using Simplifi)? Do you really expect users to click on each transaction to read the notes field?

  • TheNigerianPrince
    TheNigerianPrince Member ✭✭✭✭

    Three years now. Still waiting.

  • DTR
    DTR Member

    Currently there is not a way to customize the displayed columns in the transaction activity section of generated reports. It would be nice to see things like "Notes", etc in this display.

  • marksr
    marksr Member
    edited November 2023

    Please provide the same column customization in the Reports page that exists under the gear icon in the Transaction page. I do not use tags but do use notes and I would like the see the notes when I create a report

  • BK18
    BK18 Member ✭✭

    I would really like to see Notes on the Reports page.

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present

  • cycler15
    cycler15 Member

    Ability to view Notes field on the Reports page is MUST HAVE FUNCTIONALITY

  • Would be nice to adjust the column categories in the reports tab, similar to the transactions tab.

    I want to be able to see my notes and remove columns I don't need to see.

  • ajbopp
    ajbopp Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 5

    This idea already exists. Vote for it here. The more votes, the more likely to get attention!

    [removed link to merged thread]

    Anthony Bopp
    Simplifi User Since July 2022
    Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye

  • Plus one for this! I need to look at my transactions filtered by date range, which currently can only be done on the Reports page, but on the reports a cannot see my notes! Not cool! I need notes AND a date range filter on the same page please! Allowing users to customize the columns in reports would solve this problem.

  • jimburatti
    jimburatti Member

    YES we need this !!!!!!!!!!!! Should be simple on the main transaction screen there is a "gear box" just out that into the REPORTS transaction view.

  • SMur
    SMur Member

    Why is this taking so long?

This discussion has been closed.