CIT Bank TPA FDP-185


My CIT Bank connection recently stopped working. When i try to reconnect or reset the connection, after putting in my credentials, it offers the TPA options. The method options have call and text numbers that do not match my numbers. When I choose one, it never texts or calls. I am able to log into CIT directly and receive codes to my configured phone number and confirmed my CIT account profile has my correct numbers. Is this an issue with Simplifi or CIT? Screenshot is of numbers that do not belong to me so I don't think including it is considered sensitive info.



  • billstidham
    billstidham Member
    edited March 16

    This account refreshed this morning in the app without asking for TPA. My most recent transactions from this account are now from yesterday (03/15). Not asking for TPA at every refresh seems like new behavior, hoping they corrected that and the malfunctioning refreshes were some strange part of the rollout. I'll watch it for new refreshes over the next days to confirm it's working.

  • billstidham
    billstidham Member
    edited March 16

    still broken. oddly enough, the connection appears to be both disconnected but also refreshed transactions from yesterday. i realized the balance of one of my two bank account in the connection is reporting incorrectly (impossibly off by a lot). found the connection to be disconnected and the MFA prompt still offering incorrect text and call numbers.

  • billstidham
    billstidham Member
    edited March 17

    realized i was using the quicken login from bitwarden (both in app and web extension) instead of the cit login. username based instead of email and different password. i guess i was thrown off by the login presenting inaccurate MFA options instead of just failing authentication so i didn’t suspect i wasn’t going an extra step to get the right login. it’s working now thati’m using the right credentials. this can be closed.

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