Allow Investment Transactions to Impact Manual Investment Account Balances/Portfolio Value (edited)

tonymfernandez Member
edited April 2024 in Feature Requests

Very simply, it would be nice if in my manual transaction accounts if the transactions that I record actually changed the holdings in the account. As it is, if I have a manual investment account that I do anything with, Simplifi makes me change the holdings of the account as if they were always that value. It doesn't make sense how it's set up currently.

3 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • When you enter a buy / sell transaction in "Transaction tab", it will not flow in "Portfolio Tab". You need to enter the same value in "Portfolio Tab" for it to actually show up in your portfolio. More importantly, you cannot edit the price when you enter the transaction in "Portfolio Tab". If I bought some security on 8/1 and I try to enter it on 8/23 in the "Portfolio tab", it will pickup the price on 8/23. It should have an option to edit the price. So, either we have "Transaction Tab" entries flowing to "Portfolio Tab" automatically (since here we can edit the date and price"), or allow to enter the price manually in "Portfolio Tab"

  • Coach Kristina
    Coach Kristina Moderator admin

    Hello @BhupeshGajria,

    Thank you for coming to the Community to share your feedback! Since there is already an existing Idea post asking for this functionality, I merged your request with the existing request.

    Thank you!

    -Coach Kristina