Daily spending report

TtTtTt Member
edited June 2024 in Feedback


I've found that there is a gap in reporting that I feel could be a very good value add to the Simplify application.

During my reviews, I've noticed that there is a "Available to spend daily" field in the Spending Plan, which gives me a limit I can spend daily to stay on track. I can then go to my transactions and add up each day's transaction to see if I'm on track with this daily spending limit.

This is quite difficult as adding up all the transactions for each day can be complicated and require a lot of bookkeeping, and avoiding that work is the whole reason I pay for Simplifi.

So I would request a report that would give us a day-to-day spending (ideally, excluding planned spending) so we can see if we're staying on track.

The way I would envision this is as a calendar or table with a value showing the amount spent on any given day in extraneous spending (or total spending even)


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