Aidvantage (OSLA) URL seems to have changes and broken connectivity.

Recently all my student loans through aidvantage aren't working through quicken simplifi. I was using the Oklahoma student loan authority account to link it. It looks like the url that quicken tries to query against is but that url doesn't seem to resolve. I think it's moved to and that's what it should be using instead.



  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @Mjsbullitt , thanks for reaching out to the Community!

    When viewing your connection attempts from our end, I see that you were receiving an FDP-103 error with Oklahoma Student Loan Authority, but I also see that the error has since cleared up and you have successful connections as of yesterday. Have you been able to get connected?

    Also, as a side note, when clicking on the URL displayed for Oklahoma Student Loan Authority in Quicken Simplifi, I am redirected to , so the URL appears to be working properly from what I can tell.

    Let us know how things go!

    -Coach Natalie

  • My link to my Aidvantage student loans has also broke & I am getting the Care Code: FDP-103.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @EmbracingSavings, thanks for posting on this topic!

    To troubleshoot an FDP-103 (invalid credentials) error, please follow these steps:

    1. Verify the bank being selected -- There may be several different versions of the same bank in the Add Account bank list, so be sure you're selecting the correct one. If you're not sure, compare the URLs shown for each bank.
    2. Verify your login information – Type your password/PIN into a text application to ensure you don’t have any typographical errors. Then, copy and paste your login information into Quicken Simplifi to ensure accuracy.
    3. Verify your login at the bank’s website – Try to sign in to your bank’s website using the same login credentials to ensure you've not locked yourself out of the account and that the credentials are still valid.
    4. Check for an app-specific password – Some banks require users to use a specific app password when connecting to a third party. Check with your bank to see if you need to use an app-specific password.
    5. Update your credentials – Try temporarily updating your password at your bank's website and then try again to connect to Quicken Simplifi. We recommend NOT using the following special characters: & < > / \.

    Let us know how it goes!

    -Coach Natalie

  • updating my password worked! thank you!

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @EmbracingSavings, woohoo!

    -Coach Natalie

This discussion has been closed.