Manual Transaction Not Working to Change Manual Account Balance (edited)

SJ52 Member
edited July 2024 in Troubleshooting

I am having an issue with my mortgage balance. Since Pennymac is not working, I entered my mortgage balance in manually. It shows as a liability of $-XXX,XXX. When I add a manual transaction, it is increasing the liability amount.

For example if my balance is $-100,000 and I add a $1,000 transaction/payment, it is making the balance $-101,000.



  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @SJ52,

    Thanks for reaching out! I believe I understand what may be occuring for you. Since you are making a payment on your mortgage balance, you will want to enter the payment with a (+) symbol in front of the amount, as this will decrease the negative balance.

    I hope this helps!

    -Coach Jon

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