American Funds URL Change
The American Funds connection has been broken since April. It is a simple URL change. I am having a hard time understanding why this is so hard to fix. Can anyone from Simplifi give any answers other than "We are aware and are working on it"
I signed up and paid for Simplifi in February and essentially all of my accounts work save for the Apple credit card which I don't use much so didn't care. My 401k sees very frequent updates and not having a connection work is enough to make me switch away. I assume that is why we are getting vague, infrequent answers, make us wait a little longer? Please help us understand why this change is so difficult…
Hello @Big Glass,
Thanks for reaching out! This is a known issue we are aware of and have an alert that you may follow for updates here:
I can see you are receiving a 103 error on our side, so this lines up with this known issue above. We will let you know via that thread when we have an update on the issue. Thank you for your patience!
-Coach Jon