Issue with transactions in Edward Jones Canada account

System Administrator admin
edited July 2024 in Troubleshooting

This discussion was created from comments split from:

Unable to connect to Edward Jones Canada account Care Code FDP-105 (edited).


  • HWanless
    HWanless Member

    Hello. I tried again and I was able to log onto Edward Jones Canada accounts and have downloaded them all. Simplifi doesn't have Canadian categories (RRIF, TFSA, etc) so I just downloaded as Brokerage. This appears great as now they show up on my net worth!

  • HWanless
    HWanless Member

    Hi there. Some discouraging news. It appears that all of the transactions from these accounts cannot be properly recorded in the transaction reports. Something to do with multi-currency transactions. I ran into the same problem with transfers from a cash account. The system doesn't deal well with Canadian accounts. I will need to speak with someone to see if there is a workaround

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @HWanless, thanks for posting back, and that's great you were able to get connected!

    To clarify, are the transactions in question Investment Transactions? If so, you can only include Payment/Deposit Investment Transactions in Reports.

    Let us know!

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • HWanless
    HWanless Member

    Hi Natalie,

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    These are payments from my retirement accounts. I don't believe Simplifi has Canadian retirement accounts. When I look at my LIF account (Life Income Fund) it shows the payment coming from the account however it is not showing up on the accounts. When I try to change this I get an error message: 'Multi currency transfers: We are sorry, but creating or editing multi currency transfers is not supported.' I had this same error when I was trying to make a cash withdrawal show as a transfer from my bank account into a cash account. I was told it is something to do with Canadian currency. That is too bad. Do you have many Canadian users?

    If you can help me with this, that would be great!



  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @HWanless, thanks for the reply!

    I'd be happy to see what we can do to help with this from our end, but I think we definitely need some clarity on the issue. I'm assuming that, in Quicken Simplifi, the account you're referring to is an investment account and the transactions are therefore Investment Transactions, meaning you navigate to the Transactions tab in the Investment section to access them. If this is true, what is the "Type/Action" for the transactions?

    Also, what are you looking to do in Quicken Simplifi? You said "these accounts cannot be properly recorded in the transaction reports" — if they are Investment Transactions, they'd need to be a Payment/Deposit to show up in Reports. You also mentioned performing a transfer — are you referring to in Quicken Simplifi or with your bank? In Quicken Simplifi, Transfers can't show up in Reports no matter what, so you'd want to use an Expense or Income Category accordingly.

    Last, I'm not aware of Quicken Simplifi offering any kind of messaging regarding multi-currency, though this may be something new with Investment Transactions specifically and our recently added support of more Canadian banks. Everything should download as USD in Quicken Simplifi — is this not the case? Can you perhaps provide some screenshots of what you're seeing in Quicken Simplifi so we can get a clearer idea?

    The more info you can provide will allow us to best assist!

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • HWanless
    HWanless Member

    Hi Natalie,

    I ended up calling in so that I could explain the situation better. We ended up spending over an hour on the phone and a case was opened and has been escalated. The case number is T1-11135904. I think I will allow that to run its course and see where we end up.

    Thanks for your continuing interest.



  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @HWanless, sweet! Feel free to post back with the results in case it helps other users. 🙂

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

This discussion has been closed.