FDP-101 error with Fidelity (edited)

grantklin Member

I had been able to add my fidelity account to simplifi via netbenefits, but as of a few days ago i noticed that it's not connecting.

i've tried to delete the account and readd it and it does connect because it will list my accounts, however, when i click to complete, it errors out with fdp-101.



  • I've been having the same issue since June 21. I was on the phone with Simplifi for over an hour yesterday and they could not fix it. Still an issue now.

  • MtnSCSI
    MtnSCSI Member

    Same issue here. Loading accounts but zero transactions.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    Hey everyone, thanks for letting us know about this issue with Fidelity!

    An FDP-101 is a general error that could indicate the bank is blocking connection traffic or performing an update or something along those lines. For this particular error, we do want to allow at least 24 hours to see if it self-resolves, so please let us know if you continue to experience the error after that time.

    If the error is occurring on an existing account, we also recommend resetting the connection for the bank. Also, since Fidelity is an OAuth API bank, I'd recommend revoking Quicken Simplifi's access from the bank's website before resetting the connection so a new token is granted when doing so. The steps you can follow are these:

    1. Navigate to the bank's website, sign in, and then remove Quicken's access from the bank's third-party linked apps.
    2. Navigate back to Quicken Simplifi and reset the connection for the bank by following the steps here.
    3. Carefully link the account(s) found to your existing Quicken Simplifi account(s) by following the steps here.

    For anyone experiencing something other than an FDP-101 error with Fidelity Inv & Retirement, please create a separate post to report the separate issue. Otherwise, let us know how it goes!

    -Coach Natalie

  • DEA3
    DEA3 Member

    I am having the same issue and will try above.

  • MtnSCSI
    MtnSCSI Member

    Bummer, I tried the steps above twice without luck. This issue has been ongoing for me since at least Tuesday. Is there more advanced troubleshooting that can be done?

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    Hey again everyone!

    We went ahead and got this issue escalated from our end and created an Alert that you all can follow for updates:

    We appreciate everyone's patience as we work to resolve this matter!

    -Coach Natalie

  • phud418
    phud418 Member

    I've been having this issue since I signed up for Simplifi on 6/24. I tried the three steps from Natalie's 6/27 post to no avail. Needless to say, not a great introduction to a budgeting/personal finance tool when I can't get my retirement accounts to show up.

  • StoopKid
    StoopKid Member

    I'm also impacted as a new user, I have a credit card and associated brokerage/retirement accounts. Will follow the Alert above.

  • rdenove
    rdenove Member ✭✭
    edited July 1

    As of this morning, fidelity will not connect

  • djhadams
    djhadams Member

    I can’t connect to Fidelity either.

  • rdenove
    rdenove Member ✭✭
    edited July 1

    additional information - it logs in but then neither balances or transactions are downloaded. Makes the product useless at this point. I keep trying to move to simplifi from classic but continual problems like this make me hesitant.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @rdenove & @djhadams, thanks for posting to the Community!

    I reviewed both of your connection attempts from our end and see that you're receiving an FDP-101 error, which is a known issue. I went ahead and merged your post with this existing thread, and as mentioned above, you'll want to follow our Alert for updates.

    We appreciate your patience!

    -Coach Natalie

  • mas2024
    mas2024 Member

    Love to get an ETA on this one - it's been over a week now for me.

  • MtnSCSI
    MtnSCSI Member

    Same here - I use the cash management account for checking and need to sync those transactions.

  • aavan01
    aavan01 Member

    Same as well, been over a week for me.

  • aavan01
    aavan01 Member

    I tried all steps listed here and it did not resolve the issue as well.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    If everyone can please follow the Alert for this known issue with Fidelity, we will be able to keep you all updated as news becomes available:

    Thank you!

    -Coach Natalie

  • Narine
    Narine Member

    Hi Everyone…. I spoke with Fidelity today and per them "they have extra layer of protection and do not allow or work with third parties" .

    if you want to keep track of your money should load the details manually each month I guess. Seems they do not even have plans to "Lift" this restriction.


  • MtnSCSI
    MtnSCSI Member

    But Quicken isn’t just any “third party”. It is the largest of all of them. It sounds like they gave you questionable info.

  • Jim McG
    Jim McG Member

    I am a new user to Simplifi, having same issue trying to link Fidelity accounts.

    After successfully logging into to Fidelity, seeing my 4 account and adding to Simplifi, they show with Zero balance and no transactions. See following message / error, with "try again" link to fix issue, which does not work.

    Account needs attention

    (Care code: FDP-101)

    We are unable to connect to Fidelity Inv & Retirement at this time.

  • Problem is still happening on Friday. This may not be a Fidelity problem but an error in Simplifi.

    Can we get some additional assistance besides the advice of 'lets give it another 24 hours'?

    I'm a new user and my Fidelity investments are a key part of what I monitor. If this cannot be resolved this will be a total showstopper for me.

  • 04villian
    04villian Member

    Still not working, Fidelity needs to be connectable or I've got no use here.

  • frankwinston
    frankwinston Member

    Fidelity's site has the following blurb under the 3rd party access section of the security center. This leads me to believe that perhaps Quicken/Simplifi is not yet compliant

    "..To enhance the protection of your account data, Fidelity has established a secure connection that better controls how third-party sites and apps that you've authorized and the data aggregators they use connect to your accounts. Fidelity is requiring these data aggregators to transition to this secure connection. Fidelity users of some third-party websites and apps may experience a disruption in the link between those websites and apps and their NetBenefits accounts."

    @Coach Natalie Any possibility that this is what the issue is? As others have commented, Simplifi is of very limited use to me without access to my retirement account so I do hope this issue is resolved shortly. Manually entry can be done without the monthly subscription fee :-).

  • Jim McG
    Jim McG Member
    edited July 8

    I am pretty confident this issue is with Simplify, not fidelity.

    I am still currently able to monitor my Fidelity account with 3 other applications:

    • [removed]

    Was trying to evaluate/compare simplify as an alternative tool, but have been unable to get access to fidelity account working.

  • Juan
    Juan Member

    is there an update on an ETA fix?

  • Smeds
    Smeds Member

    Quicken — any update on this???? Like others, I'm attempting to use Simplifi as a Mint replacement. So far not good. Stuck on adding Fidelity accounts. Essentially makes your product useless to me at this point …

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    Hey everyone, thank you all for your continued patience as we work on this issue. We will post any news or updates to our Alert, so please be sure to follow along there.

    We apologize for the frustration this is causing our Fidelity users!

    -Coach Natalie

  • mwarhola
    mwarhola Member

    I feel your pain. I also was a dedicated MInt user and this is best option available after a bunch of research and so far it's been a so-so experience and 100% more expensive…

  • rdenove
    rdenove Member ✭✭

    The connection works in quicken classic so the problem is on simplifi end and they should talk to the quicken classic development team to help resolve

  • I'm having the same issue. It started with one account (HSA) losing connection a few weeks ago. And, now everything lost connection. I tried different steps - resetting the connection, deleting, and adding again. Accounts are there with Zero $$$ and FDP-101 error code.

    What's funny is that my wife's Fidelity/NetBenefits account is linked and still working fine without any issues. However, my Fidelity/NetBenefits isn't. Try to explain that!

This discussion has been closed.