Ability to hide Net Worth

LoftyDuck Member ✭✭
edited December 2021 in Feature Requests
While I appreciate knowing the Net Worth given my accounts if/when I show Simplifi to a friend or family member I would prefer to hide the Net Worth partially because it is so prominently displayed on several screens. Alternatively this could be a link/button to 'show'/'hide' Net Worth with the default being that it is hidden and the 'show' link displays next to it.
61 votes

Active · Last Updated



  • Can you give us the option to either "Hide" or "Show" the "Net Worth" on the Dashboard, please?
  • Kuhzah
    Kuhzah Member ✭✭
    we also want to "Hide" the "Net Worth" on the Dashboard, it's depressing to have that in your face every day when one has a humble amount
  • I also would like this feature for the web app.
  • apexfox
    apexfox Member

    This would be great to be able to share the screen to show others spending transactions but not share net worth data.

  • Kuhzah
    Kuhzah Member ✭✭

    I also would like this feature for the web app.

  • Not sure how this isn't a security risk that should be toggled on and off. Screens are big and bright nowadays. Looking at my accounts in public with my net worth prominently displayed seems like it would make me a target.

    This feature needs to be a priority, ASAP.

  • Agreed. This should be added ASAP.

  • quick username
    quick username Member ✭✭
    edited December 2023

    +1…. while logging transactions I don't need everyone walking by to see my life's finances summed up in the net worth number, or have that number in my own face all the time when it's not what I'm working on.

  • asheroto
    asheroto Member ✭✭

    This is important because often times when I'm trying to refer people to Simplifi I want to show them how it works. But sharing my net worth is a sensitive topic. Because of that, I avoid showing people what it looks like unless it is specific screens.

    Even if I'm not referring people, I don't like opening the app in public because my net worth is clearly visible. If people knew I had $700 Trillion I could be targeted. Haha, just kidding. In all seriousness, though, it is a security issue. I only open the app in private.

    As another example, if I'm dating someone and need to check my transactions, I don't want my date to see net worth. Not until we know each other better, right

    Hiding the worth should be a simple addition to the three-dot menu. Thanks!

  • shameed
    shameed Member

    I would really like to have this feature. It is ridiculous how prominent it is on Simplifi, particularly web version. The transactions page has the Net Worth displayed at the top all the time. Also I would like to keep the Upcoming bills section collapsed by default as well, since I have my salary in there as well.

    This should be a simple change and definitely very important one. What were you guys thinking?

  • It's not helpful to show the net worth. I'm trying to manage small amounts of money in and out of my accounts. Being reminded of how much there is in my 25-year old retirement account isn't helping at all. In fact, it's counterproductive.

  • Mel d
    Mel d Member

    This is the single grossest feature of Simplifi—please, it should be very simple to get rid of it. I just moved here from Mint and I will probably quit because of little details like this that just make me feel disgusted every time I see them. Whoever thinks it's a good idea to see your "Net Worth" every day, they do NOT share my values. Net Worth really HAS to be OPTIONAL—What if I can't even get every one of my accounts into Simplifi??? It's not correct anyway, which is beside the point that not everyone wants to see it. This thread was started 2 years ago, and Simplifi isn't interested in making this one tiny change to keep their customers happy??? Seriously???

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    I would like this implemented as some payroll providers and brokers have: have a toggle to show net worth with asterisks instead of the numbers. Then we can look at accounts in a public place without fear of prying eyes.

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present

  • Please give us the option of hiding Net Worth.
    It would also be great if we could exclude accounts from our net worth totals. I help my mom with her accounts, and they shouldn’t be in my totals.

  • DannyB
    DannyB Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    …in the meantime, if you are in a public setting or people are around at home that you don't want seeing your net worth, you can hide the account list when not in use whenever you are on the Dashboard or Transactions pages. I know doesn't help for all the mentioned scenarios, but it at least gives you some privacy.

    Simplifi user since 01/22
    Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer
  • ADawg
    ADawg Member

    Oh come on…. be proud of what you've built!

  • AtheB
    AtheB Member

    I'm trying to use simplifi to help me get better at handling my finances, but having this giant negative banner of my net worth constantly on screen while I try to sort my transactions for tax purposes is extremely demoralizing. And beyond that, to have such personal info so huge so that any one walking by can see seems like a security risk.

  • I'm fully aligned with this feature request. Adding fake assets worth hundreds of millions to make the "net worth" banner visible to anyone walking by my phone/laptop is a hack… give us the ability to just hide the net worth as a banner… We still want the feature available… just not broadcast.

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    That's a terrific idea, i may add millions in fake debt to make it so people passing by seeing net worth don't ask for money.. 😃

    Rob Wilkens

  • I would like this feature! Given how much the market moves week to week, I don't like to look at my portfolio value more than a few times a year - it's unnecessary noise. I do want to be able to check it a few times a year, so it would be really nice to be able to hide it from the main views where I am tracking my spending and transactions.

  • Dadbot
    Dadbot Member

    It's actually really annoying that I can't hide my net worth from the Transactions header - it really has no business being shown so prominently. I'm about as open about our family finances as I can reasonably be, but I don't want my kids to know how much we're "worth" and I don't want to have to hide myself away every time I take care of our finances.

    I end up putting a sticky note over that part of the screen, which is just ridiculous.

    PLEASE add the option to hide net worth - I really only want to see it when I run a report specifically asking for it.

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    I just noticed — i was a no vote on this, i flipped it, which 'added two votes' (negative to neutral, neutral to positive)… Since this was posted, I've discovered when i open the app in a public place to record a transaction, i would prefer people around me (whether or not they know me) not know anything extra about my finances.

    I don't want these numbers hidden, i just really want them not featured in a large bold font.

    Rob Wilkens

  • Emacken
    Emacken Member ✭✭

    Seconding this for a different reason, I'm 30 years from retirement so I'm at the point where most of my retirement fund is in stocks, but I'm doing my best to let it compound in peace and not futz with it. It would be great to not have the market swings show up first thing when I open the app, and only when I go to the Investing tab deliberately.

  • quick username
    quick username Member ✭✭
    edited May 25

    Feb. 2021 and counting! 41 out of 49 approval rating. What's it gonna take?

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    I see score of 40 out of 50, that is 45 yes votes, 5 no votes. The thing is some ideas, like rollover had, have hundreds of votes, and those tend to get priority. Also 40 votes over 4 years, is about ten votes per year, or less than 1/month which is a low rate relatively.

    Rob Wilkens

  • NJL
    NJL Member

    PLEASE DO ASAP. It's such a simple change and so obviously important for security reasons as it's unacceptably dangerous for a large number of users to even open the app on a subway (for example).

  • EL1234
    EL1234 Member ✭✭✭✭

    Absolutely! Even just a little toggle button next to Net Worth to show/hide would help (assuming it remembered my last setting)

  • chiphum
    chiphum Member

    It would be great if a button could be added to the dashboard to hide my net worth. I prefer my colleagues not to be able to see this when I'm checking my accounts during lunch at work. Also the state would be stored for the next time I accessed the website. Fidelity has this feature and it is nice.