Light/Dark Theme Based on System Preference


It would be great to automatically change the light/dark mode theme of Simplifi based on the user system preference, as communicated by the browser. This can easily be detected by a CSS media feature. This is especially useful since computers can change the system light/dark mode automatically based on time of day. Thanks!

11 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    I am the type of person who typically uses light mode during the day and dark mode in the evening, so, yes, but because Simplifi's dark mode has some issues (like the 0-line being near invisible on cash flow charts), I might not be ready for simplifi to use the system's dark mode settings ‘at this time’

    I voted for it anyway.

    Rob Wilkens

  • Dan-in-Virginia
    Dan-in-Virginia Member ✭✭✭

    I also support this request for Dark Mode. Simplifi's competitors have this feature.

  • pocketlint

    I would use Simplifi more if it had this. Like many others, my system auto-toggles between light/dark around sunrise/sunset. Being the only white screen on an otherwise dark monitor, or the only dark screen on an otherwise white monitor, really makes it harsh to look at. Manually changing it each time I log in is too cumbersome.