More detailed CSV Exports (original name and description, flags, reviewed, check number)

Started looking at Simplifi since Mint is shutting down, and I've really been impressed so far.
I do a lot of work in Excel with my exported transactions, and three fields that would be very handy to have in the export (.CSV) are (in priority order):
- The original transaction name/description as it shows up on the statement
- The flags
- The Reviewed checkbox — this could just be a tag, but it seems wacky to add a custom tag given the checkbox is already on the form.
Let me know if I should split these into separate requests.
[added check number to title]
Yes, please at the very least include original description.
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Same here. The lack of the original description in the export file is a deal breaker
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Same here, especially after being burned by the shutdown of Mint. I'm extremely hesitant to put my data somewhere that it can't be fully extracted from if I need to move it somewhere else in the future. The original description is a must-have.
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I agree with this. As a former Mint user, I am keeping a raw file data in Excel with some historical charts in it The Simplifi export is usable here but I want the original statement text in the designated column in my file.
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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I agree
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+1, please! Just seems so basic, esp for our tax records etc…
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i wish this was voted higher so it gets more attention. the original description definitely needs to be included in the export.
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Also, update the CSV import to include the newly added check number column.
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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+1 please - data such as account, date and payee need to be associated in the exported csv file or it requires alot of manual copy and pasting to fill in the blanks when using the data for pivot tables.
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+1 Please include the Notes field in all CSV exports.