Who the Heck Did I Pay?

AchaarLonache Member ✭✭

I'm evaluating Simplifi.

One of the most common things I'm doing when I look at a transaction is asking the question, "Who the heck is that?"

From the transaction it should be easy to answer this question. I should be able to see all the times I paid this payee (right now this seems, unless I misunderstand, to go to a report or to payees, or somewhere else requiring clicks). And I should be able to get more information on the payee as an entity. Right now, it seems like I have to search the web for this.

The navigation from a transaction on an account to information about that transaction should be easy, free flowing.

Question: Am I just misunderstanding what's going on?



  • Coach Kristina
    Coach Kristina Moderator admin

    Hello @AchaarLonache,

    To answer your question, the Payee information, when the transactions download or import into Quicken Simplifi, is provided by the financial institution. When the transaction is entered manually, then it would be whatever information you type in there. You are able to filter your register to view just the payee or payees you want to see, or you can also use reports for that.

    Was there specific functionality you were expecting that you are not finding? If so, could you please provide more details, so I can assist further?

    I look forward to your response!

    -Coach Kristina

  • N4KHQ
    N4KHQ Member ✭✭✭✭

    Just a caution, I have Early Access users turned on under Settings/General. Not sure if Early Access users is required to have this feature but I can make a rule under payee/category to look at what the bank send and change it to what ever I want. You can also make rules or change just one category. Before you change category be sure you understand how Transfers work. Transfers are moving money from one account to another which does not change your net worth. Simplifi uses special categories to make the double entries work. I like Simplifi's handling of transfers better than any other financial app I have evaluated. I also messed up my balances by happy clicking and changing transfer categories. It was an easy fix once I studied transfers a half a day.

  • ajbopp
    ajbopp Member ✭✭✭✭

    @N4KHQ That feature should be available to everyone.

    Anthony Bopp
    Simplifi User Since July 2022
    Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye

  • AchaarLonache

    Yes, the history of a given payee should be an easy click from the transaction itself. I should not have to go over to 'transactions' and filter and click around.

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