Can I connect my Wells Fargo bank account to both Quicken Classic and Simplifi at the same time?

Ed M
Ed M Member

I've been using Quicken Classic for years and want to try out Simplifi by running them side-by-side. So, Quicken Classic is already connected to Wells Fargo but when I try to connect Simplifi, I get a message that I'm already connected to Quicken. Any ideas or known solution?

To confirm that if I'm not able to connect to both apps, I will be cancelling my Simplifi account and requesting a refund.


Best Answer

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    Answer ✓

    @Ed M, thanks for posting your inquiry to the Community!

    You are most likely running into the issue you described due to Wells Fargo being an OAuth API bank. These types of connections usually only allow one token to be generated for a single program/connection, which is a limitation on the bank's end. I personally have this barrier with my Chase account and have to track it manually in Quicken Simplifi since I have it connected in Quicken Classic.

    Sorry for not having better news for you!


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