HealthEquity HSA savings balance is reporting an incorrect (and negative) balance

Per Discussion Title, what should be about +$1000 is currently showing up in Simplifi as -$216. This HSA account is active. It requires $1000 in liquid savings and allows us to invest anything over that, which we have it set up to automatically do.
My first thought was that the negative "balance" showing up in Simplifi is actually a transaction. If our HSA savings balance becomes $1300 after a paycheck or two, it automatically invests the extra $300, and this "loss" of $300 is showing up instead of the actual positive balance. The problem with this idea is that I can see a regular $304 contribution and subsequent investment, so the current -$216 doesn't really track.
Hello @Neubadger,
Thanks for posting to the community! Generally, a balance discrepancy is due to pending transactions or downloading the wrong balance from the bank.
To help us understand your issue in Quicken Simplifi, do you have pending transactions in the account currently, either on the bank's side or in Quicken Simplifi? Is this issue happening with a new account being added into the application, or with an existing account? Please let us know!
Coach Jon
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Hi Coach Jon,
Thanks for the link. I checked that out but don't think that fits this situation. I'm a very new user of Simplifi, so I don't think I can isolate between this being an existing or new account within my Simplifi account.
As of right now, the Simplifi balance shown is -$221.17. Some recent account history is as follows:
- 3/30 balance $1000.08
- 4/1 employee contribution of $304.17 for a new balance of $1304.25
- 4/1 withdrawal (transfer to investments) of $304.17 for a new balance of $1000.08
- 4/2 management fee of $5.25 for a new balance of $994.83
- There are no pending transactions in the account itself or shown in Simplifi, though at the next paycheck there will be another $304.17 contribution and subsequent withdrawal.
Since in my original post above I mentioned a Simplifi balance of -$216, it looks like that $5.25 fee from 4/2 has been accounted for in the past few days. But the original balance value is still confusing to me.
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Hello @Neubadger,
Thanks for the information. Has this always been like this in Quicken Simplifi, or did this just start occuring recently? If the latter, about how long has this been happening for?
Coach Jon
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It has always been like this for me in Simplifi, but I just joined a month ago (3/16/2024). I probably added this account on 3/16, 3/18, or 3/19.
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Hello @Neubadger,
Thanks for the reply. To help clarify, what do you mean by "original balance" from your previous post? Additionally, I would suggest trying to make the account manual and then re-link the account to see if that resolves the issue. You can make the accounts manual and then use the Add Account flow to get a completely fresh connection. If the connection is successful, you'll then want to link the accounts to your existing Quicken Simplifi accounts. Let us know how that goes!
Coach Jon
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By "original balance", I meant the -$216 I mentioned in my original post.
I've spent more time on the HealthEquity site in the past few days, and I found one location where this -$216 is appearing. I reached out to their customer support to ask about this, and the support has been painfully bad. The first rep said this wasn't a problem because the correct balance shows elsewhere. The second rep acknowledged this was a problem and opened a ticket, but when I asked for the ticket number, they logged off. The third rep gave me the ticket number from the second rep. The next day, my ticket was closed without any progress or resolution.
- Do you know if there's any way for Simplifi to reconfigure how they connect to HealthEquity? The correct balance shows in several locations, but unfortunately Simplifi is pulling from the one bad location. I don't have much faith in HealthEquity fixing their site.
- Given this new information, do you think it's still worthwhile for me to try making this account manual and getting a fresh connection?
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For some reason when I tried including an image in the post above, it kept failing. Here's the image I intended to include:
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Hello @Neubadger,
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I would still advise you to go through the manual account re-link flow I sent prior. Let us know if that works for you!
Coach Jon
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By "original balance" I meant the -$216 I reported in my original post.
On the HealthEquity site, I navigated enough that I located one location that is showing this -$216. It seems that Simplifi is pulling this value from HealthEquity, but unfortunately it's pulling from the one location where the value is wrong. I tried opening a ticket with HealthEquity, but their customer support is painfully bad. First rep said there wasn't a problem because the correct value appears in most locations. Second rep agreed that it was a problem but logged off when I asked for the ticket number. Third rep gave me the ticket number from that second rep. Next day they closed the ticket without resolving it.
- Do you know if there's a way for Simplifi to pull a number from a different location? Or is that entirely dependent on HealthEquity?
- Given this new information, do you still feel there's value in converting this to a manual account in Simplifi and then re-adding the account to get a fresh connection?
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Hello @Neubadger,
Thanks for the reply. We can definitely escalate this issue on our side, but we will need some information from you in order to do so:
- The name of the account in question, as it appears in Quicken Simplifi.
- The name of the account in question, as it appears on the bank's website.
- A fresh screenshot of the balance for the account in Quicken Simplifi.
We will also need logs sent to us, which can be sent with these instructions:
- Log into the Quicken Simplifi Web App.
- Select Profile from the left-hand navigation bar.
- With the Profile menu open, hold down the Option key for Mac or the Alt key for Windows, and then click Send Feedback.
- Leave all boxes checked, add a brief description of the issue, and then click Send.
Coach Jon
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- Thanks for the help.
- * Name of the account in Simplifi: "Jackie HSA - Savings"
- * Name of the account on the HealthEquity website and statements: "Health Savings Account"
- * Account 4/26/2024 balance in Simplifi: -$216.00 (screenshot below)
- * Feedback/logs sent per instructions above
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Hello @Neubadger,
Thanks for the information. I would suggest contacting our support team directly to get this issue escalated, as I am unable to process escalations in the community today.
Otherwise, you would have to wait until next week, when we have the ability to process escalations again here.
Thank you for your patience,
Coach Jon
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Is there a way to escalate outside of standard support hours? The chat bot is not going to cut it on this one.
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Hello @Neubadger,
We can definitely see about escalating here now, however, we will need new data and logs due to the time that has passed. If you could provide updated data from the information I asked for before, that would be great!
Additionally, please provide a new screenshot of the balance displayed on the bank's website for comparison as well!
Coach Jon
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I was just about to edit my previous comment to say that I successfully elevated this. Thanks for the help!
Report reference id 431948962326411521.
Case number 11049980.