UFCU (Texas) not updating due to FDP-185 & Care Code: 324 (edited)

Red exclamation point and pop-up reports error code FDP-185.
Attempted to refresh credentials and get: "You have already added all your accounts at this bank"
How to refresh this account? Note that it has failed for a couple of days and this bug occurred a day or two after I paid off an auto loan at UFCU so perhaps that triggered something.
I kept trying and tinkering with things until now everything since the paid off and closed auto loan is updated. The auto loan returns the error:
"This usually happens if an account nickname or number has changed at
your bank. To fix you must reconnect your account. Care Code: 324"0 -
@BlueGrits, thanks for reaching out to the Community!
If you're receiving the 324 error on a closed loan account, it may be that the bank is no longer allowing third-party access to the account since it's closed. Is the account closed on the bank's end? Do you have other accounts with the bank?
Please let us know so we can best assist!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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The auto loan no longer appears as an account at the credit union.
The checking (aka "share draft") and the savings (aka "shares") accounts along with my mortgage seem to flicker back and forth with various errors (code 324, FDP-185).
When I try to reconnect, the system lets me do so and then replies that all accounts are already present.
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But when I reconnect:
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Also, another key may be that the very last transaction showing among all my UFCU accounts is that payoff for the auto loan.
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@BlueGrits, thanks for the reply!
I'd suggest establishing a completely fresh connection with the bank by following these steps:
- Make all of the accounts with this bank manual by following the steps here.
- Once you see the account(s) listed in the Manual Accounts section under Settings > Accounts, go back through the Add Account flow to reconnect to the bank.
- If the connection is successful, carefully link the account(s) found to your existing Quicken Simplifi account(s) by following the steps here.
Since the loan account is closed with the bank, you may also consider marking it as closed in Quicken Simplifi to avoid any confusion there. Otherwise, you can just leave it in the Manual Accounts section.
Let us know how it goes!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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I followed the above steps and it seems I'm in even worse shape.
My checking and savings accounts now have two entries of identical amounts, suggesting that neither is actually updated. The loan amounts for both the auto (now paid off) and mortgage are set to zero. Oh, and when I added UFCU again it only saw the checking and savings accounts — no loans.
What should I do?
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Also, all the TIAA entries have now gone belly-up with the red exclamation mark and the Care Code: FDP-106
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Hello @BlueGrits,
Thanks for the reply. It sounds like you may have accidentally created 2 new separate accounts instead of linking to your original accounts. I would suggest deleting the newly made accounts and trying the steps again, being sure to carefully link the accounts this time in step 3.
Coach Jon
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I finally just gave up on it all, deleted everything about my credit union (UFCU.org), and started fresh. It seems to now work, although my history data is pretty much worthless now.