FDP-101 error with Fidelity (edited)



  • So…. this has been happening since June 27th and no fix or update from Quicken? How embarrassing. It does Simplifi one expense in my budget. No need to pay for a broken product.

  • Hello Quicken folks,

    Do you have any sort of updates, or an ETA on the fix here? It would be nice to get updates that this is actively being worked on. Thank you.

  • nedmanjo
    nedmanjo Member

    Here's another interesting instance… Intuit's CreditKarma was able to pull in my Fidelity data through Fidelty NetBenefits but interestingly enough Intuits Simplifi still cannot. I certainly don't understand the technical reason why Intuit's Simplifi cannot connect to Fidelity but Intuit's CreditKarma, Intuit's Quicken and Empower connect without issue.

  • Mythus
    Mythus Member
    edited July 21

    I requested a refund and was DENIED even though, simplifi has been simply unusable. Multiple institutions have trouble linking. Moved to [Removed], and everything connected instantly. Contacted your support team requesting a refund, since it appears support in this thread has revealed it as the only option, if not wait endlessly without an ETA till they figure out why nothing works. To be honest, we don't know if they're having contract issues with fidelity, and we are the people wasting our money, while they do nothing. If no refund is issued, I will have to go through my bank to do so. You cannot offer people lies. I supported your software because it looked nice, it worked initially and I thought, Quicken was a pretty big company. I believed Quicken would at least have the basics figured out.

    You have lost another customer. -1

  • russrowe
    russrowe Member

    Customers don't like it when they think they are being ignored. This is Customer Service 101.

  • KellyJo
    KellyJo Member

    Brand new and totally disappointed after seeing this issue has been going on for sometime now. Our main checking account is Fidelity so the program is not useful with this error. Hopefully it's resolved before my 30 days is up so I can at least see if it's a good program.

  • nedmanjo
    nedmanjo Member

    Hi KellyJo, I think it's a very good program. I use a number of others as well as Intuits Quicken. Connectivity to Fidelity worked for a good long time. The moderator has escalated the issue but surprisingly no word about a fix nor even an explanation regarding the nature of the issue. Hopefully we'll see something in the week ahead.

  • Ben C
    Ben C Member
    edited July 22

    Just got this app like a week ago, so I took the plunge on paying for a good budgeting app. Apparently, I can't even load half my portfolio on to it and a bunch of other users here have the same issue. As bad as Credit Karma was, I could load all my accounts on to it. If this company doesn't show they can communicate and fix their product, I don't see why it's worthwhile for me to stick with it. I would love a response at this point.

  • TimK
    TimK Member
    Account needs attention (Care code: FDP-101)

    We are unable to connect to Fidelity Inv & Retirement at this time.

    Is there any update on this issue?!?!?

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello everyone!

    We are still working on a resolution for this known issue with Fidelity. We do appreciate your patience during this time, and we will be sure to post any updates for this issue here when made available:


    Coach Jon

  • KellyJo
    KellyJo Member

    That's great. I'm glad it's a good program, but with my main account being Fidelity, it's pointless to me if that's not working.

  • Just started and yes, Fidelity doesn't connect. I put it in manually under "other assets" for the time being, but it's not a long-term solution for me. Hope it gets fixed soon!

  • Jayjay
    Jayjay Member
    edited July 23

    Hmm, it has been a month since the error : > We are unable to connect to Fidelity Inv & Retirement at this time. Care Code: FDP-101

    Rarely see a subscription based software with such an ignorance attitude towards user feedback.

  • rdenove
    rdenove Member ✭✭

    Fidelity is now working for me

  • KellyJo
    KellyJo Member

    Its working!!!!

  • Jim McG
    Jim McG Member

    Still broken for me.

    "Try Again" still did not resolve

    also, tried deleting accounts and readding them to config, resulted in same error

  • Cosmo24
    Cosmo24 Member

    Still not working for me. I also tried deleting the connection from Simplifi and Fidelity and still won't work and is giving me the same error message (FDP-101) as before.

  • FinanceGuy
    FinanceGuy Member

    Having the 3rd largest brokerage in the world, with over $4T in assets under management, broken for a full month on a paid service is pretty unacceptable. I can't imagine being the Product Owner/Manager for Quicken Simplifi and not putting this as top priority with my Dev team. A member of the forum/coach team should email Marcus or Kaylee on the product team and let them know they are losing customers over this.

  • FinanceGuy
    FinanceGuy Member

    Then only some people should pay for a working product, right?

  • KellyJo
    KellyJo Member

    Yeah, I absolutely wouldn't pay for a non-working program. I just signed up last week and was prepared to request my money back if it wasn't restored within the 39 day window.

  • MtnSCSI
    MtnSCSI Member

    It just started working for me about a week ago but I couldn’t tell you why. I just kept trying to reconnect everyday, which is of course silly to even have to do that to begin with.

  • TimK
    TimK Member

    Unfortunately, still not working here. I hope the Product Manager takes some ownership of this issue and sees that it is resolved quickly for everyone!

  • TimK
    TimK Member

    Simply lazy work on the part of the Product Management team. Simplifi is a pretty cool product when it works. I am disappointed that Quicken cannot get their act together.

  • there's a second fidelity that I've added through akoya.com instead. It works when the other connection doesn't.

  • TimK
    TimK Member
  • cahcadden
    cahcadden Member

    That Fidelity akoya.com option seemed to add successfully for me, too, without the usual "It looks like it's going to work . . . no, it's FDP-101 again." Hopefully this will stay working and not flake out again.

  • FinanceGuy
    FinanceGuy Member

    This actually works! Thank you so much! Its strange that random users are providing better support than Quicken.

  • Cosmo24
    Cosmo24 Member

    The Akoya connection did bring over my current balance however it did NOT bring over any previous transaction history. However, as long as it brings over transaction history going forward that would be okay and I can upload the transactions that was missed since the beginning of July.

  • PradeepKM
    PradeepKM Member

    After weeks of frustration, this solution also worked for me. Thank you for sharing.