Question about recurring Transfer

Every other week, I transfer $ from my Checking account to Capital One 360 to save for Property taxes. When I create a transfer, why is this not excluded from my Checking as Money Out?
I could do that if I click on account and uncheck Spending Plan, but I would have to do this for every single occurrence. Am I missing something, or not using transfer feature properly?
Best Answer
@CROforce, thanks for posting to the Community!
Is it possible that you're experiencing this known issue?
However, when looking at your screenshot of the Recurring Linked Transfer Series, it shows both the Money In and Money Out side as being included in the Spending Plan (there are no checkmarks in the boxes) — do you want either or both sides to be included or do you want the entire thing excluded so your Transfers bucket is $0 in the Spending Plan?
Here's our support article on how Transfers are handled in the Spending Plan:
Please let us know so we can best assist!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
Thank you for the info… It looks like I have to delete the instance, then add a new, then select Money In and other to deselect for the correct amount to show