Include Recurring 'Credit Card Payments' in credit card projected cash flow (edited)

SimplifineHowareyou Member ✭✭✭
edited June 28 in Feature Requests
If I pay cards off every time I get a paycheck—or have bills set to autopay using that credit card on a set day every month—it seems the projection should include that.

Currently, I don't see much use in a projection basis of "Here's how much debt you'll accrue if you don't ever pay it."

I'd get a lot more use out of a projections graph that factors in regular payments, especially when those payments occur the same days every month.
7 votes

Completed · Last Updated

This ability is available by creating a Recurring Linked Transfer Series!


  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    Hello @SimplifineHowareyou,

    Thank you for taking the time to post this suggestion to the Community!

    There is a way to include a Recurring Credit Card Payment in the Projected Cash Flow by setting up a Recurring Series for it, and then using the payment account as the Category of the Series instead of using the Category of "Credit Card Payment". This appears to include these recurring payments in my Projected Cash Flow for the credit card account:

    Hopefully this helps you with what you're looking for, however, I did go ahead and turn this into an Idea post requesting that Recurring 'Credit Card Payments' be included in the Projected Cash Flow, so that the "Credit Card Payment" Category can be used instead of a Linked Transfer, as I think this would be a great idea.

    Please let me know if you have any questions, or if this is not quite what you're looking for. Otherwise, please be sure to add your vote! :wink:

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • billy.govols
    billy.govols Member
    edited January 2023
    I just got off the phone with the help center and they suggested I post this request out here as well.  It would be really helpful when looking at my projected cash flow in my checking account to see the credit card payment reducing the balance.

    And @Coach Natalie, will this mess up expenses or spending reports?
  • bbertchie
    bbertchie Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    I just got off the phone with the help center and they suggested I post this request out here as well.  It would be really helpful when looking at my projected cash flow in my checking account to see the credit card payment reducing the balance.

    And @Coach Natalie, will this mess up expenses or spending reports?
    You can do this by setting up a recurring bill from your checking account and the offset account will be the credit card. Make sure to select exclude from spending plan.  For the dollar amount, I would put what your average payment is and then true up the reminder when you know the exact amount

    i handle mine this way so I can use the projected cash flow and have it be meaningful
  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    Hey everyone! Since it sounds like most of you have made this work by creating a Recurring Linked Transfer Series, we went ahead and marked this Idea as completed. For more details on how to create a Recurring Linked Transfer Series, please see my comment above (click here).

    Let us know if there are any objections!

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

This discussion has been closed.