Can I automatically run payee rename rules across all of transaction history?

I read somewhere that "a clean database is a happy database," and wow, that resonates with me.

I've started using Simplifi in earnest, and am cleaning up all the best-guess payee names in my transaction history dating back to 2020.

It seems as though…

  • New rules I create to map payees to transaction categories DO get run across all of transaction history when I create them. (I refresh transactions, and the magic has happened!)
  • New rules I create to map one payee name string to a more readable one, or one consistent throughout time, do NOT get run across all of transaction history when I create them. Refreshing doesn't obviously do anything, and I end up remapping every instance of the bad payee name string manually.

Can I make Simplifi do what I want here?


  • Coach Kristina
    Coach Kristina Moderator admin

    Hello @kaltorak,

    To assist with this issue, please provide more information. Based on the article on Transaction Rules, if you opt to have it applied to existing transactions, it should do so. Could you provide more information on what is failing to properly remap? For instance, is this happening only in certain account types? Are there any variations in the Payee names that may be causing Quicken Simplifi not to recognize it? Are you able to post screenshots of what you're seeing (please make sure to redact any personal information)?

    I look forward to your response!

    -Coach Kristina