watchlist question

cjsalzano Member
edited September 19 in Using Watchlists


new user here, trying to get use to Watchlists and have a very basic question.

if I have a watchlist for say, "coffee shop" and I target $150 per month, I see on the watchlist card it shows me the target amount, and the amount spent so far, say "$100". what seems to be missing is showing the simple calculation $150-$100 to let me know I still have $50 to spend before my target amount, maybe shown in green if under or in red if I have gone over, maybe combined with a push notification to tell me to stop going to starbucks ….

I see alot of discussions in the community groups about watchlists but not this question, sorry if it missed it.

I know Simplifi is more about planning and not as much about budgeting, and maybe that is the fundamental answer to my question, however, it just seems like such a basic element to know if I am under or over spending in a particular category.

thanks for any help.

[removed private info]



  • Wedo778
    Wedo778 Member ✭✭✭✭

    Sounds more like you want to be using the spending plan rather than a watchlist for this particular item. The spending plan tracks how much you have left to spend each month. The watchlist just watches how much you have spent. I find watchlists more useful for tracking what my average spending is over time, not for keeping within a specific month's budget.

  • DannyB
    DannyB Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭


    I agree with @Wedo778.

    I use watchlists to track overall spending in each of my 9 parent categories since spending in these categories can spread out in my spending plan between bills, subscriptions and planned spending. A watchlist will pull all spending for a specific category together in one place.

    If I wanted to track spending for one vendor like Starbucks, I'd use Planned Spending.

    Simplifi user since 01/22
    Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer
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