Contribute to Savings Goal from Income
Good Morning,
Is there a way to set up savings goals based on direct deposits straight in to the linked accounts? Instead of my check hitting one account and then getting split out, I have my direct deposit split into multiple accounts, including savings, but it seems that the only way to contribute to that savings goal is to take it from another account directly.
I'm not quite sure what you are asking, but I'll take a stab at it with some speculation about your meaning.
In Quicken Simplifi, you will have to tell QS which real world account your savings goal contributions come from. QS won't automatically to the distributions for you. There is a feature request in the community for auto savings goal contributions, but at this time contributions have to be made manually through the Spending plan or on the Goals page.
I'm guessing that in your actual banking, you have a direct deposit of say your paycheck into your bank checking account. Then you have set up with your bank a means to split up that deposit into several other bank accounts. QS only knows about those money movements when these various transactions clear at your bank and the data is downloaded into QS. Once that is done, you can go to your Spending Plan, open the Savings Goal dropdown in the Income after bills & savings and make your SG contributions designating which bank account the money is held in. You may have noticed that you can't make a contribution from an actual bank account if that account doesn't have any available undesignated funds, or you can only contribute up to the available undesignated funds. Once you contribute to a Savings Goal, QS will virtually set those funds aside making them "unavailable" in QS for other uses unless or until you release them from the SG.
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer0