Watchlists: Add option to always show 12 month average regardless of transaction dates

Currently, watchlists will give you the monthly average you spend which is great because there is nowhere else in Simplifi to really see that data and a lot of what I care about is larger timescales than the current month. However it limits itself to which months (within the last 12) your oldest transaction is. I guess that is somehow useful if you are brand new, or have a new spending category that you didn't always have (got a new dog after 10 years of no pets) and only have a few months history you need to see the average of.
But much more often, its just a category or collection of categories that do not have transactions every single month. Like Travel for instance. I'd like to see how much I spend on travel. Well I get a year to date total, which is great in November or December, but doesn't tell me a lot in February. I get a monthly average, but only based on what months I have spent in. So if its June but I didn't have any travel expenses from July-October last year, its going to average my last years' worth of spending over only 8 months. It should (or at least I want it to) be averaged across 12 months. It just so happens that the transactions were consolidated into a shorter section of those 12.
Instead any time I want to check how much I have been spending, I have to break out a calculator. At which point, why am I using software for my finances if I still have to calculate basic things myself?
@Coach Jon They are somewhat related but no they are not the same idea. The one you've linked could be implemented without fixing the problem I am trying to address. The watchlists are already a "12 month" range. Letting me customize them to "12 months" won't change the monthly average any if the monthly average continues to re-adjust to ignore the empty months at the beginning.
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Yes, thats what I want! I can't vote on it though, as it is marked as "forthcoming" already (though from over a year ago).