Manual Investment Account isn't updating in Balances, Performance, or Net Worth Report (edited)

brianperry263 Member

Referencing the closed topic of manual investment accounts not updating back in March. I am having the same problem now. As of Sept 8, 2024 my balances haven't updated and the performance show flat, with no movement in the chart. Under the portfolio tab, everything is accurate though.

Was there a fix for this?





  • I'm having the same issue and it is very frustrating. Please get this bug fixed!


  • Coach Kristina
    Coach Kristina Moderator admin

    Hello @brianperry263 and @Bonnies,

    To assist with this issue, please provide more information. Did both of you see this start around 8 September? Is this happening in the web app, the mobile app, or both? What process are you using when you update your manual accounts (for instance, updating holdings & transactions or just transactions, etc.)? If you haven't already done so, please try logging out of Quicken Simplifi and logging back in again, then check to see if the issue persists.

    I look forward to your response!

    -Coach Kristina

  • Hi Kristina,
    I’m having this issue with both the browser and app. I have tried logging out and back in with no change. This is happening with my gold, silver, bitcoin and employee stock purchase holdings. All manual entries. They were all fine before Sep 8th. They are accurate under the holdings tab but inaccurate under the balances and performance tabs. Some of the accounts I update transactions and some just the total holdings. It seems as though it’s only affecting the manual accounts. The linked accounts are accurate in all tabs. Also the total market value is different between the holdings and balances tab, when they should match. See pic for flatline of manual accounts since Sep 8.



  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @brianperry263 & @Bonnies, since the features mentioned (Investment Balances, Investment Performance, and the Net Worth Report), derive their data from the account balance versus the Portfolio Value, please check the Accounts List to see if the balance is incorrect there.

    As a side note, to immediately correct the history in the reporting areas, you can import Account Balance History:

    Please let us know so we can best assist!

    -Coach Natalie

  • The amount in the accounts list is incorrect. When I click on an investment in the accounts list and it opens in Investments_Portfolio. That number is correct but doesn't match the amount shown in accounts list.

    As expected from what you said, the Balances and Performance show the incorrect amount. Basically the only place where the balance is correct is in the Portfolio Tab.

    It just started not matching and showing a flatline on the chart is Sept. 13



  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @brianperry263, thanks for the reply!

    If the account in question is manual, then the balance should comprise the sum of the holdings in the Investments Portfolio. You mentioned that in some of the investment accounts, you add/update Investment Transactions, and just Holdings in others. Since Investment Transactions don't interact with account balances, we need you to make sure this isn't happening for you. When you add or update Investment Transactions in any of the manual accounts, does it impact the balance in the Accounts List?

    If not, we will next need you to try to narrow down where the Holdings may not be impacting the Accounts List balance as expected. Are there certain types of Holdings in any of the accounts that seem to not be reflected in the Accounts List balance or anything along those lines? Any help in narrowing down the balance discrepancy would be much appreciated.

    Also, here is an article on how investment balances update in case it's helpful at all:

    Finally, did you try an Account Balance History Import to see if that fixes the Net Worth Report, Investments Balances, and Investments Performance features? It should at least correct the history up to the current date, where we would then need to figure out why you have an incorrect Accounts List balance moving forward.

    Let us know!

    -Coach Natalie

  • If the account in question is manual, then the balance should comprise the sum of the holdings in the Investments Portfolio. You mentioned that in some of the investment accounts, you add/update Investment Transactions, and just Holdings in others. Since Investment Transactions don't interact with account balances, we need you to make sure this isn't happening for you. When you add or update Investment Transactions in any of the manual accounts, does it impact the balance in the Accounts List?

    • Of the 5 manual accounts, I have not added to those accounts since the chart and balance stopped updating on Sept 13. The Balance and Performance pages have not moved up or down even though the value has, as indicated in the Portfolio page. For example, my Bitcoin holding has not changed even though the price obviously does daily. The balance and performance page show no change in value.

    If not, we will next need you to try to narrow down where the Holdings may not be impacting the Accounts List balance as expected. Are there certain types of Holdings in any of the accounts that seem to not be reflected in the Accounts List balance or anything along those lines? Any help in narrowing down the balance discrepancy would be much appreciated.

    • No, it's a variety of holdings. My ESPP stock position is in TOL, a stock ticker. Again, the Portfolio page is accurate for all holdings, manual and automatic, but the other pages are static (remain unchanged since Sept 13) Bitcoin, Gold, and Silver acting the same way. The daily change show 0 every day even though my auto updated holdings at Charles Schwab show a daily change. It seems that is why the chart is not moving up or down, no change in daily value. Although it doesn't explain why the Balance page doesn't change either.

    Finally, did you try an Account Balance History Import to see if that fixes the Net Worth Report, Investments Balances, and Investments Performance features? It should at least correct the history up to the current date, where we would then need to figure out why you have an incorrect Accounts List balance moving forward.

    • I did not try this. My Gold, silver and TOL (Toll Brothers) positions don't have any history. For gold and silver I only have the amount of weight listed, no transactions. weight x value per ounce. With TOL the account also has no transactions. I have a certain amount of shares that have not changed. These accounts were fine until Sept 13 when they stopped updating daily.



  • Nothing has changed in the 4 manual accounts for since the beginning of my account with Simplifi. They were adjusting daily and showing daily change in %.



  • Shree3
    Shree3 Member

    Observed the same issue for two of the manual investment account, Market value in Portfolio is updated per stock value and holdings, but it is not reflecting/changing in Balances, Net Worth and Total Brokerage values.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    edited October 8

    @brianperry263, thanks for the reply!

    I think what we will need to do at this point is gather some data and proof of the issue and file a ticket so our product team can research what's going on. Here is the info we will need:

    1. The name of the account the holdings reside in, as it appears in Quicken Simplifi.
    2. A screenshot of the balance for the account in the Accounts List in Quicken Simplifi.
    3. A screenshot of the balance for the account in the Investments Portfolio in Quicken Simplifi (if you have multiple investment accounts, you'll want to filter the page to just this account).
    4. A screenshot of the Portfolio Holdings for the account in Quicken Simplifi (if you have multiple investment accounts, you'll want to filter the page to just this account).
    5. It looks like the most recent screenshots of the Performance tab should cover the issue in that feature, but we need to see how the issue is impacting Investment Balances and the Net Worth Report as well, please.

    Please also submit your logs via the 'Send Feedback' option:

    1. Log into the Quicken Simplifi Web App.
    2. Select Profile from the left-hand navigation bar.
    3. With the Profile menu open, hold down the Option key for Mac or the Alt key for Windows, and then click Send Feedback
    4. Leave all boxes checked, add a brief description of the issue, and then click Send.

    @Shree3, did the issue also start for you on the 8th of September? Can you provide more insight into what specifically you're seeing, please?


    -Coach Natalie

  • Shree3
    Shree3 Member
    edited October 13

    Yes, I noticed the issue from Oct 8 (I am new user, started tracking from Oct 3, so do not have prior data), I have provide a screenshot via Feedback option.
    If I navigate to Investments (, I can see all the manual investment accounts show the value based on the daily stock prices and number of shares I hold.
    But if navigate to Balances in investigating (, or the Net Worth (, or the Transactions (, the account balance shows the values which are on Oct 8. The daily change does not reflect that. It shows the old values, hence incorrect net worth as well.
    Please let mw know if you need any additional information.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @Shree3, thanks for the reply!

    If you could provide the details that were requested above here in the Community, we'll be able to take a closer look:

    -Coach Natalie

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @Shree3, thank you for DMing me some info!

    Please provide the following additional data:

    1. The screenshot of the Net Worth Report you provided doesn't show a very wide scope — is the Report broken down by day or by month? If you could grab a screenshot with a wide enough scope to see these types of details, that would be great. It would also be great to see the Report broken down by day for the month of October (if that's not what the screenshot already shows). You can accomplish this by changing the Date Range to "This month".
    2. A screenshot of the Investments Performance and Investment Balances features for the accounts in question.

    We look forward to hearing back from you!

    -Coach Natalie

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @Shree3, thank you!

    It looks like I have everything I need from you for the escalation; we just need a couple of additional basic points of data:

    1. The browser you're accessing the Quicken Simplifi Web App from and its version.
    2. The OS of the computer you're accessing Quicken Simplifi from.
    3. Confirm that you're on the latest release of Quicken Simplifi's Web App, which is 4.30.0 (this can be seen at the very bottom of the Dashboard).

    I look forward to getting this ticket filed for you!

    -Coach Natalie

  • Shree3
    Shree3 Member
    1. Browser: Google Chrome, Version 129.0.6668.103 (Official Build) (arm64)
    2. OS: MacOS Sonoma, Version 14.7, Apple M1 Pro
    3. Quicken Web App: Version: 4.30.0 (28428/b559845ad0)

    @Coach Natalie FYI

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @Shree3, thank you!

    I got the ticket filed and will post back as updates become available.

    -Coach Natalie
