Investment portfolio account balance surprises

Jfreds Member

When I go to investment balances, my total balance is 2x the actual balance. (If that were only true!🤣) I believe the problem is related to my brokerage's changing my account number when my advisor moved from one office to another. Some specific observations: 1) the total balance at the top of the page is 2x the actual, 2) When I filter to show only one account at a time, I see the same holdings in both accounts. I would expect one to be empty and all the holdings should be in the currently active account. 3) The display in the balances over time chart are as expected: one account goes to zero at a specific date and the new account picks up the balance from that date forward. I suspect disabling or deleting the old account would fix the balance problem, but I don't want to do that because I want to see its history.


  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @Jfreds, thanks for posting to the Community!

    To clarify, are you referring to an incorrect account balance in the Accounts List, an incorrect Portfolio Value for a specific account in the Investments section, or an incorrect overall Portfolio Value? If the latter, based on your description, it sounds like both the old account and the new account have the same Holdings, which could certainly cause a Portfolio Value issue. Have you tried disconnecting the old account and removing the Holdings from it so they are no longer doubled up? You can also mark the old account as "closed":

    Please let us know so we can best assist!

    -Coach Natalie

  • Jfreds
    Jfreds Member

    Thanks for following-up! I think you're on the right track. For completeness… balances are correct in Accounts List, Portfolio Values are correct for specific accounts in Investments section. Things are only incorrect in the Portfolio Value calculations that aren't time-based (like the charts). It seems that my old account has a zero balance (correct), but still has holdings (not correct) that are accumulated in current portfolio value calculations. That seems probably incorrect, but is definitely confusing.

    By "disconnecting" the account, do you mean making it a "manual account?" It seems like that might give me the power to zero out the holdings without deleting the account. Alternatively, if I mark it as closed, will I still see its value history in my charts?

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @Jfreds, thanks for the reply!

    Marking the account as closed will zero out the balance and disconnect a connected account from the bank. I'm not aware that it will remove holdings, so you may need to do this manually if there are indeed no holdings in that account in real life. Marking an account as closed, or simply disconnecting it from the bank by making it manual, will not remove any historical data.

    I hope this helps!

    -Coach Natalie