Mobile App “top spending” does not show sub category breakdowns

wkh Member ✭✭
edited September 30 in Report a Bug

In the web app, I can select a top category from the pie chart and it will then display a pie chart showing the breakdown by sub categories. This doesn’t work in any of the mobile apps (android or iOS). Even when selecting a top category filter, it still only shows the top category amount. It does not show the sub category amounts. This works fine in the web app.



  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    edited September 30

    @wkh, thanks for posting to the Community!

    When testing this in my own Quicken Simplifi, there appears to be a difference in design in how the Quicken Simplifi Mobile App displays Subcategories in the Total Spending Report. To view Subcategories in the Total Spending Report on the Mobile App, you'll want to use filters as outlined here:

    With that, this does appear to be specific to the Total Spending Report and not the Top Spending Dashboard tile. Do you see the same behavior when navigating to the Report through the hamburger navigation menu rather than being directed to it by clicking the Top Spending Dashboard tile? Or am I missing something from your description?

    Please let us know so we can best assist!

    -Coach Natalie

  • wkh
    wkh Member ✭✭

    Filters does not work on the mobile apps the same as it does on the web app. There is no way to show the subtotals of subcategories in the mobile app versions. I have attached what I see in the mobile app and what I can see in the web app. In the web app you select the filtered top category after it pops up and it takes you to a listing showing subtotals for the subcategories, which is the correct display. The only thing you get in the mobile app versions is the single top category (bills & utilities in this case). You can’t tap on that and display the subtotals for the subcategories under bills & utilities. This is of no use. We need to be able to display the subtotals of the subcategories like can be done in the web app. See attached app version and web version. I need to see the subtotals. For example, there is no way to see how much I spent on “Television” in the mobile app. Obviously the correct action is to show those subtotals since I CAN do that in the web version.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @wkh, thank you for clarifying!

    This appears to be how the Total Spending Report on the Mobile App is designed. We have an existing request to break Reports down by Subcategory that I'd suggest adding your vote and feedback to:

    Sorry for not having better news, but I hope this helps!

    -Coach Natalie

  • wkh
    wkh Member ✭✭

    This is a bug. Using the filter function in top spending, if I select only 2 of the sub categories under bill & utilities, it pops up the entire top category (bills & utilities), with a sum of the amounts in those 2 sub categories. This can’t possibly be the intended action. If I select 2 top level categories, it shows those completely separated. Why would it function differently (by intent) from the web version?

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @wkh, thanks for the reply!

    Since the behavior is by design, it wouldn't be considered a bug. Instead, we have the Idea post I shared above, which can be utilized to request a change to that design.

    -Coach Natalie

  • wkh
    wkh Member ✭✭

    Hi Natalie.

    I’d like to come back to this please. What I don’t understand is why this works exactly as I described in the web app, yet it doesn’t work that way in any of the mobile apps. Are you saying the mobile apps are specifically designed to act differently (less functionality) than the web app? Aren’t you trying to get a consistent look and feel across the different implementations? The fact that it doesn’t work this way in the mobile apps yet does work this way in the web app is why I still think it should be considered a bug in the mobile apps.
