Wells Fargo again > bank vs pending balance

fcb Member

This might be the typical WF feed glitch to Simplifi.
In Simplifi, my checking account "Bank Balance" vs "Balance with Pending" has a huge discrepancy vs the actual small pending amount. All transactions showing in Simplifii match what shows up in WF online, including the one small transaction showing "pending" on both ends.


  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @fcb,

    Thanks for reaching out! To clarify, how large of a discrepancy is the difference between the two balances? Could the pending transaction be getting double counted, or is the discrepancy larger than that amount? If you could supply a screenshot showing the difference this would definitely help determine what may be going on. You may send it via DM if you prefer.


    Coach Jon

  • I had the same issue. Had a problem with Pending transactions disappearing over the past weekend. They came back on Tuesday, but the balance in Simplifi was way off from what the actual balance is in WF. Checked all transactions and everything lined up. I reset the WF connection and the balance got corrected.

  • fcb
    fcb Member

    As of today, all but one of the pending has cleared.
    The pending vs bank balances are approx 1k off, with the bank balance being correct.
    I also did the reset , and the balances are now correct.

    I think one aspect of this glitching is related to manual entries, which these were. Even though they get automatically combined with the eventual downloaded ones, there is some data left that Simplifi is still using. That data gets flushed when we do a reset.

    Annoying this is.