Chase Checking Balance has been off for a few days

My checking balance in QS has been off the last few days at least. It actually got close to right late yesterday, then today it was this:
Here's the bank balance from the bank website:
Here's Simplifi's Balance:
And here's simplifi's "Pending" Transactions which should be the only thing affecting the bank balance:
The Amazon CC + Planet Fitness charges are already reflected in the Bank balance above.
It was refreshed between 7am and 8am ET today, I believe that's after the cut off where the balance is sometimes off.
If this was the first day the balance was off, I wouldn't post, but it's been off for a few days now (not always the same gap).
EDIT: If the FI is needed and not obvious, it's Chase.
Rob Wilkens
As you may have gathered from the images above, the account is called "TOTAL CHECKING".
However, later in the day, it corrected. Maybe 7:30-ish AM was "too early for chase" - I do know outside of normal hours, account balances tend to be wrong. I always thought 7am was the cutoff, but maybe it's 8 or 9am.
Rob Wilkens1 -
@RobWilk You know I commented earlier that my checking account at a local bank was off and I had no pending transactions but Simplifi said I did but I couldn't find them. So Simplifi was subtracting the phantom pending transactions. I had to take the account manual and then reconnect it to fix Simplifi. I don't think it was the Bank's fault in this case.
Probably nothing to do with your case and just a coincidence.
Quicken Simplifi (Safari & iOS) Since 2021
Quicken Classic (MacOS) Since 20090 -
Having the same issue with my chase total checking as well. Gave me a good scare this morning.
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Hello @King_Otis,
Thanks for reaching out! Did your account eventually correct itself like @RobWilk's account did? This may very well be a timing thing with Chase.
Let us know!
-Coach Jon
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My Chase checking account was showing the wrong balance today too, it appeared to be doubling the account balance before subtracting my pending transactions. Changing it to manual and then back fixed it. Whew!
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interesting! because I clicked the Sync button quite a few times and that didn't help it at all.
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Adding in another user. I started having this a couple of weeks ago as well and it's still happening today. As stated on a post above about "phantom" pending transactions, it seems that right after some transactions are cleared, there is a delay to remove them from pending for the load to Simplify. They show as cleared, but then are also used in the calculation of the balance. A couple of weeks ago and today, I can add up transactions just by trial and error that are making up the pending balance when in fact everything is cleared. And, in the upper right of Simplify by the balance when I hover on the "i" it gives me the amount in the note of a pending balance that doesn't actually exist any longer. So, something has definitely changed. Although I've had the balance with pending setting on since the beginning of using Simplify without issues, I can try toggling that, but since you can't refresh right away, I guess that's at best a multi hour if not multi day trial and error. This seems like something has definitely changed.
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I'm also having this problem and have been for several weeks. The only solution I've found is to reset the connection to Chase entirely and re-map my Chase accounts to their Simplifi accounts.
Unfortunately Simplifi support was no real help, offering up only this somewhat incoherent explanation:
As i said, fixing or refreshing/resetting the connection with the bank, at the moment is an expected behavior due to Chase is part of the banks that implemented a new connection method called API access
Chase implemented their secure API months ago, and I'm confident that having to reset the connection manually to get correct balances is not "expected behavior".
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Clhase is always wrong on weekends, which it is now, that much is expected. Chase does not download tx that happen on weekends but does update balances, which makes the balance wrong if you’re manually entering txs. Remember also that at most updates happen every 4-6 hours unless you disconnect and reconnect it.
Rob Wilkens0 -
@someotherderek The best we can do is keep complaining to Chase. I am lucky in that I don't use the Chase account much.
Quicken Simplifi (Safari & iOS) Since 2021
Quicken Classic (MacOS) Since 20090 -
@RobWilk This morning Chase cleared the pending correctly but Simplifi still subtracts them (the same behavior as with my local bank account). This is different than what it was doing on Saturday. Now this seems like the bug reported by many users with many accounts.
Yesterday's 2 "cleared transactions" are being subtracted still. (The balance should be 0.00 as I paid $180 that cleared Tuesday).
Quicken Simplifi (Safari & iOS) Since 2021
Quicken Classic (MacOS) Since 20090 -
Yes, @SRC54, it seems Chase has two similar-looking but different problems depending on whether we're inside or outside of allowed hours. The weekend/outside-of-hours thing existed for years. The other problem is either more recent or has not been noticed until the last few weeks. The latter problem doesn't seem bank specific at all.
Rob Wilkens0 -
I now have "one more Chase account," which may become my primary credit card (even if it's not the best APR) because it's easier to manage from one site. I haven't been able to get a Chase credit card since 2018, but I guess enough time has passed to requalify. How Quicken Simplifi handles credit cards from Chase will be determined.
Rob Wilkens0