Balances completely wrong today (10/25) from doubled transactions

As of this morning all of my accounts that had transactions occur yesterday or today are showing completely incorrect and falsely negative balances. Pending outgoing transactions from my checking account are being double-counted in my balance, causing it to show a large negative balance incorrectly. Cleared payments to my credit cards that occurred today also seem to be reflected twice, again incorrectly showing a positive balance on a credit card. The transactions are not doubled, so from a ledger perspective I can't see why this is happening or resolve it without deleting reported transactions which I will never do. This has never happened before. Usually the checking account balance matches what's reported from the connection API regardless of any transactions. What changed?
Hello @t8iujh,
Thanks for reaching out! This definitely seems like a strange issue. To help us clarify what exactly is happening here, can you please provide screenshots showing the issues you listed in Quicken Simplifi? This will help us understand specifically what is occuring for you.
Thank you,
Coach Jon
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I don't know what a screenshot will tell you beyond my description. The transaction ledger is accurate (every transaction I expect to see is there, once, and linked to a bank transaction) but the account balances in the desktop left bar are completely wrong, by amounts that indicate every transaction from the last 2 now days being doubled.
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Thank you for your reply,
Is the account balance on the left bar set to show the Bank Balance, or the Balance with Pending? You can check this by clicking the 3 dots near the upper right of that bar, and verifying which balance type is selected.
If it is set to Balance with Pending, try changing it to Bank Balance and see if that resolves the issue. According to this article on what can cause the balance to show incorrectly in your Quicken Simplifi, some financial institutions already include pending transactions in the balance they send. If your financial institution does that, then having Balance with Pending selected can cause Quicken Simplifi to count the pending transactions twice.
I hope this helps!
-Coach Kristina
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@Coach Kristina Did something change about how pending balances are reflected in the last week? Because I've had things working fine with pending tx for months and suddenly this is happening for all of my accounts!
I'm currently looking at a credit card which is showing a positive (overpaid) balance by the payment amount despite no pending transactions in that account. There is, however, the payment transaction remaining on the checking account still listed as pending. Perhaps this is the issue? But as I stated, this has never happened in my months of using Simplifi until this week and now it's happening for every account.
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Now I'm seeing something even weirder on my checking account. It has a pending transaction to a credit card, but even with pending is displaying the balance as if that transaction isn't there, and if I switch from "Balance with Pending" to "Bank Balance" it changes by double the pending transaction amount! I can't get it to display the correct balance at all now! There's no way this is expected behavior!
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Thanks for your replies,
After you switch from Balance with Pending to Bank Balance, it can take 4-6 hours to refresh and update. If the issue is persisting after 4-6 hours, please let us know!
Thank you!
-Coach Kristina
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None of this explains why everything has been fine up until recently and now all of my accounts are having this issue.
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Hello @t8iujh,
Thanks for the response. Another good thing you may try is to sign out of Quicken Simplifi, and then sign back in so everything can fully refresh. I still agree with @Coach Kristina on waiting the 4-6 hours as well, but it would not hurt to see if signing out and back into Quicken Simplifi would possibly resolve the issue.
Coach Jon
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I am seeing similar behavior and posted about it here:
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yeah, something clearly changed on their end [removed - disruptive]
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how many people need to report this issue until we're at least told what we're seeing is indeed a bug?
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any chance your accounts are with chase? This kind of behavior is normal when syncing outside of banking hours.
Rob Wilkens0 -
Hello @t8iujh,
Thank you for the responses. Can you let us know when specifically you noticed the issue start occuring? Did the issue start with one account or did all the accounts you mentioned have the same behavior when you first noticed?
I would also verify if a fresh connection might resolve things. You can make the accounts manual and then use the Add Account flow to get a completely fresh connection. If the connection is successful, you'll then want to link the accounts to your existing Quicken Simplifi accounts. Afterward, you will want to keep an eye on things moving forward, and let us know if the issue continues.
Coach Jon
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I first noticed it started occurring on the date in the thread title, 10/25, for all of my active checking and credit accounts (3-4).
I did indeed reset connections on a couple of the accounts, multiple times, which only temporarily resolved the issue until it came back shortly thereafter.
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Hello @t8iujh,
Thanks for the reply and information. Instead of just resetting the connections, I would have you try the steps I gave above to make the accounts manual and then link them back to the existing accounts.
Be sure to let us know if that ends up working for you, as this will give us an idea of what to do going forward.
-Coach Jon
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Not with Chase for these accounts. Key and BofA. I have Chase accounts, but all CC.
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I too am having some transactions doubled. I just started using quicken because Monarch Money was leaving out transactions and I can’t have that because I use it to keep track for tax return. I used Mint since 2013 til last year when they shut down, I hardly ever had any problems with them. I’m very frustrated.
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IT could be related to this recently reported bug - It involves a mystery pending amount from the bank that should be cleared but it being counted twice. They are aware of it, but there are questions on that page you can answer if you want to help them narrow down the bug - I supplied an example earlier.
Rob Wilkens0 -
Same here.
Today's behavior is even weirder than usual on my end, possibly because I deposited checks and was told that some of the funds will be available today and the rest tomorrow.
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Hello @slcchk66,
Thanks for letting us know! To clarify your situation, can you let us know if this issue is occuring with a specific account or multiple accounts? What you may try is to make the accounts manual and then use the Add Account flow to get a completely fresh connection. If the connection is successful, you'll then want to link the accounts to your existing Quicken Simplifi accounts and then keep an eye on things moving forward to see if the issue persists.
Thank you,
Coach Jon
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