Home Loan:Mortgage periodic balance WAY OFF

mnox Member

I have a mortgage with Chase Bank. On dates that do not have transactions (only transaction date is 3 of month) balance looks fine. But on days the mortgage has a payment (~$2100), the balance goes from -$50K to +$78K, and then corrects the next day. TBH, it's more of a visual problem (affecting net worth charts, etc) but a $125K swing really screws up the scaling of a chart. Why is this happening?

I also noticed it does it on my vehicle loan on (different bank) on it's payment date, but it actually happened on it on a non-payment date as well.

Obviously Quicken is retaining the balances somewhere. Is there any way to see these to correct? The only way to blame Chase and AAA bank is to see the data that Quicken is using.


  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @mnox,

    Thanks for reaching out! I am not sure why your balance would be skewed like that. Can you let us know if the account is a manual account or connected in Quicken Simplifi?

    Can you let us know if this is a connected account in Quicken Simplifi or a manual account and if the balance is currently incorrect? If it is, I would try importing your account balance history to see if that corrects the issue. https://help.simplifimoney.com/en/articles/8912157-how-to-import-account-balance-history#h_55076563d8

    Thank you, and let us know!

    -Coach Jon

  • mnox
    mnox Member

    They are both connected accounts in Quicken Simplifi, and their balances are currently correct.

    I can import the balance history, but that kinda defeats the reason for connecting the account. Is there a way to export the balance history, make the correction, and then reimport it?

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @mnox,

    Thanks for the reply! If the balances are currently correct, I wouldn't suggest importing the balance history. I would suggest keeping an eye on this issue, and if it happens again, let us know so we can see what we can do at that time.

    Thank you,

    Coach Jon

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2024

    this sounds like it might be related to another bug reported here:

    Rob Wilkens

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