Group Planned Spending Items by Category

JMoney Member
edited November 2024 in Feature Requests

Currently it is difficult to track spending with a moderate amount of granularity. Spending items are always displayed alphabetically, which is not a helpful way of visualizing the spending plan.

Update the planned spending view to group subcategories into categories in a way that can be expanded to see individual subcategories like the current list view or accordions in other areas of the UI (example below—it expands and collapses).

For example, maybe I create the "Housing" category with the following subcategories:

  • Rent
  • Electric
  • Gas
  • Water
  • Internet

The housing category would show at minimum the sum of all the planned spending of its subcategories along with their spending to date. If I wanted to be able to set a spending amount for the whole category, I should be allowed to as long as it is greater than the subcategories. Increasing or adding any subcategories should prompt the user to confirm the category spend will increase. There should probably be a similar prompt when removing a subcategory or lowering its amount. I believe this would be a very helpful view and make it faster and easier to set up a complete spending plan without getting stuck in the details. It is flexible enough, however, to present much more detailed spending plans in a simple, condensed way.

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