Change the way Projected Cash Flow is plotted for Credit Cards (edited)

The projected cash flow for credit card transactions displays a graphic that is counter-intuitive to what a cash flow is. Purchases are listed as positive deflections and payments to the card are listed as negative deflections. For example, a $200 purchase causes the Projected Cash Flow graph to display $200 instead of -$200. Can you change the handling of these transactions to be the same as how they are managed for the Checking & Savings accounts?
A "high credit card balance" is generally thought of as being "high" because it is negative — "high" implies "up" so I'm a fan of credit accounts having negative balances on top of chart. I believe someone else already suggested this in the past.
Rob Wilkens0 -
To help me understand, isn’t the graph depicting credit card balance and not cash flow? And if it is charted correctly, why the positive deflection for a negative number?
0 -
I think it's because checking and savings 'accumulate' money, while credit card 'accumulates' debt. There may be others who vote for your idea, i'm just one vote.
Rob Wilkens0