Unable to un-exclude transactions
I'm seeing a bug where I am unable to un-exclude transactions. The bug has the same behavior on both the android and web versions of Simplifi. When I modify an excluded transaction to be un-excluded, Simplifi undoes the edit a moment later. This happens both when I use bulk edit and individual edit.
Here's a quick video showing it: https://www.loom.com/share/54762b696eeb484296eea7d90d05da8a?sid=f48abc74-9397-4f43-85ab-de17074d145b
@Coach Jon They mentioned it happens in the App as well, not just a browser. I would address that as well.
Rob Wilkens0 -
Hello @swiggity,
I apologize. As RobWilk mentioned, I see now that you included that this issue happens in the mobile application as well. Does this issue happen with all transactions in all accounts? Typically, 'Transfer' transactions, such as credit card payments, will automatically be excluded from Reports and the Spending Plan, as these transactions are designed to be neutral and not count as an expense or income.
If you create a new manual transaction, does it allow you to un-exclude that transaction?
Coach Jon
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I see from the video that the account is a Fidelity Checking account. I read in other threads that Fidelity Checking accounts still get treated as investment accounts even though they are set up with a banking type. The transaction in the video is not a transfer. I wonder if the issue reported is related to the Fidelity issue.
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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@Coach Jon It does appear to be related to the fidelity account. The issue doesn't occur on any other accounts as far as I can tell. However, when I create a manual transaction and assign it to my fidelity account, the issue doesn't occur. It also doesn't occur in all transactions although I'm not sure what the pattern is for what does and doesn't work.
I followed the instructions in @UrsulaA's link to try using a different aggregator, and that appeared to fix transactions for this month. However, older transactions are unable to be un-excluded, even when they've been disconnected from the Fidelity account and made into a manual account. So, issue sort of solved I guess?
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I have a Fidelity Brokerage account with Debit Card and Check writing. It's not the Money Management Account that I believe you have, though I have thought of doing it but have seen that some people have trouble with it so have not. I haven't done debits and checks for a while but they work ok when I do. I also get 3 dividends per month that I spend so these are considered income so I am able to mark them as payments. I will check to see on Saturday if I have any trouble with this month's and report back.
I wonder if you recategorized your Fidelity Checking as an Investment Account instead of Checking (if this is your configuration) if this might allow you to see what Simplifi is doing with the transactions. The ones you can change are called Payment/Deposit. I cannot change Dividends, Reinvestments, Buys and Sells. Perhaps, just perhaps, you could then change them?
Just a brainstorming suggestion that may not be useful. Good luck and I hope they get this fixed for you soon.
Quicken Simplifi (Safari & iOS) Since 2021
Quicken Classic (MacOS) Since 20091 -
Hello @swiggity,
Thanks for the follow-up! I am glad your current transactions are working correctly now, but if the past ones are still being unexcluded you may want to try switching back to the original aggregator instance to see if this fixes things further. Can you also provide a screenshot showing the Account Type in Settings > Accounts?
Thank you,
Coach Jon
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@Coach Jon It is labeled as a checking account. I just tried going back to the original aggregator, but that just broke all transactions again. I think I will stick with the new one and just manually recreate all the transactions that are in a stuck state in past months.