Reports - Rollup third level category to second level and then top level

RickS Member ✭✭✭
edited December 5 in Feature Requests

Reports - Rollup third level category to second level and then top level. In web version 4.37, third level category is rolling up to top level and ignoring second level.

6 votes

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  • DannyB
    DannyB Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    If QS is going to offer a three-level category setup, then in agreement with this feature request, here is what I would expect from a three-level category Sending Report:

    The initial report will look like this which is the current view of the Spending Report showing totals for all top-level categories.

    Drilling down into one of the first-level categories, in this example "A-Housing (13%)," will return this result. These are my four sub-categories or second-level categories under "A-Housing (13%)."

    Next, drilling down into one of these second-level categories, in this example "Home Maintenance," I would arrive at this report breaking out my spending in each of my third-level categories under "Home Maintenance."

    Rolling these third-level expenses into the second-level report negates any usefulness this third level might afford for spending analysis.

    Since QS has gone to the trouble of adding a third level to the category system, please take the next and final step and incorporate this feature request into the Spending Report.

    Thank you.

    Simplifi user since 01/22
    Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer