Fidelity HSA (with Intuit) stopped downloading transactions

nrp06 Member ✭✭


Pretty much the title.

Balance is ok, but no transactions at all. I reset the connection, but still nothing.

The transactions are IMPORTANT to me.

Any suggestions?



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  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @nrp06,

    Thank you for reaching out! To clarify your situation, your account balance is coming in correctly but there are no transactions in your account register, correct? What instance in Quicken Simplifi are you using to connect? Can you provide a screenshot showing this issue as well?

    You may also try using a fresh new connection. You can make the accounts manual and then use the Add Account flow to get a completely fresh connection. If the connection is successful, you'll then want to link the accounts to your existing Quicken Simplifi accounts. Let us know how that goes!


    Coach Jon

  • nrp06
    nrp06 Member ✭✭

    Thank you. Yes, you're correct. No transactions at all.

    I tried to fix it by resetting the account and this was the result. As you can see, nothing listed.

    I will try a new connection and report back.

  • nrp06
    nrp06 Member ✭✭

    I did as you suggested.

    Old account to manual.

    Connected again - established a new account. But this one also came back without transactions.

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @nrp06,

    Thanks for the update. Since this account with Fidelity is an OAuth connection, it may be that your token has expired. This can happen after have the account connected for more than 90 days.

    • To gain a new token, you will have to revoke Quicken from accessing their bank's website then reconnect the accounts.
      1. Navigate to the bank's website, sign in, and then remove Quicken's access from the bank's third-party linked apps.
      2. Navigate back to Quicken Simplifi and reset the connection for the bank.
      3. Link the accounts found to the existing Quicken Simplifi accounts. Make sure that you are the owner of the account and the account is not shared.

    If that still doesn't work, please provide the following information:

    • The name of the account the transactions are missing from, as it appears in Quicken Simplifi.
    • The Date, Payee, and Amount of a few example transactions that are currently missing in Quicken Simplifi.
    • A screenshot of the example transactions from the bank's website.
    • A screenshot of the corresponding register in Quicken Simplifi showing that the transactions are missing.
    • Confirm whether the missing transactions are impacting the balance in Quicken Simplifi or not.

    You may feel free to DM this information!

    -Coach Jon

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