Request for allowing Refresh on Demand or Auto Refresh after 5pm CT for Fidelity Investment Account

Due to the way Fidelity Investment/Brokerage Account is currently refreshed in Simplifi, the daily snapshot is incorrect. It only gets the daily price for the stocks. For mutual funds, the data refreshes in Simplifi on the next day. So your overall daily account snapshot is incorrect for Fidelity investment/Brokerage Account.
The reason is Simplifi auto-updates the data for Fidelity Investment/.Brokerage Account before 4:30 CT when the mutual funds data is not updated for the day in the Fidelity Investment/.Brokerage Account. You must be aware that Fidelity Account gets updated with Mutual Fund value for the day only after the market closes and is typically at 4:30 Central Time. Also due to the lack of an option to refresh the account data on demand, user never ends up getting the correct daily snapshot for Fidelity Brokerage Account. I am surprised, this issue has not been solved yet.
Option 1: Allow on demand refresh if that is not a restriction from Fidelity. I am aware some bank restrict the number of refresh per day due to the load it causes to their system.
Option 2: Do the auto refresh for Fidelity Investment/Brokerage Account after 5pm CT and definitely not before 4:30 CT (which it does currently).
Reach out to me for any questions.
An idea like this exists to enable timed account refresh. Please upvote.
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@Bgz - The issue I raised is very different from the idea you linked above. Both issues are very different. I would request to take up my request as a bug fix to fix the issue of an incorrect daily snapshot of fidelity brokerage account.
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Hello @SudipChoudhury,
Thanks for reaching out! We wouldn't be able to submit this as a bug since this is how Quicken Simplifi operates normally. I agree with @Bgz and the idea post they shared as a good solution to what you requested.
-Coach Jon