Investment transactions coming in with wrong "Action"

Just recently, I have investments that under Charles Schwab, have the action as Short Sell.
In QS they are coming in as Personal Income and showing up, albeit hidden, in my Spending Plan. The income number is correct in the Plan, but I'm getting a long list of transactions that I don't need to see.
This is from CS, note the Action label
This is from QS, same transaction, different Action
To compound the problem, I manually changed the QS action item to Short Sell, which removed it from the Spending Plan, BUT upon another refresh, the same transaction came in as Personal Income. So now I have duplicate transactions.
Hello @Max1223,
To assist with this issue, please provide more information. Is this happening only with Schwab accounts? Is Sell Short the only action that is coming in incorrectly?
The issue you mention with the transaction getting duplicated after you've edited it to change/correct the action is a known issue that is already being worked on, although we do not currently have an ETA. There is also a discussion thread on duplicate investment transactions. You can find it here:
I look forward to your reply!
(SIMPL - 23341)
-Coach Kristina
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Yes it is only the CS account, but that's the only account that I have with Short Sells. Everything "seems" to come in correctly from CS. While the duplications are bad, it's good to hear QS has the issue identified.
Yes, seems like the other link is a similar issue. I've bookmarked.