Enhancement Idea for Quicken - Bills & Income

Under Bills and Income when you go to the list of Bills to add or update, etc., it would be SUPER helpful to see the account the bill is set-up to pay from in that list either by default OR give the user a way to manage the column set of fields available on that screen. Why? When an account is hacked or compromised and you need to update your bills with a new payment account (happens all too often these days), it would be super helpful to find this information all in one place. I realize you can run a report for this but that's more clicks AND all the other information I need is already on this Bills screen.
Hi @JBaudelaire
You can currently access your recurring items either via Settings > All Recurring or Bills & Payments/All Recurring where you can see a list of ALL your recurring Bills, Subscriptions, Income and Transfers. Included in this list is the account that you have set up to pay from for each recurring transaction. You can further click on the various tabs for each type of transaction to see a shorter specific list with the assigned account you pay from.
Is this different than what you are asking for here?
The advantage of going directly to the "All Recurring" list is that you will be able to see all recurring transactions including those paid on a schedule other than monthly. I don't include my annual or semi-annual recurring bills, but I have a couple of bills that are paid every other month so if I was looking at a month either of those bills aren't paid in, I'd miss them.
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer0